In a groundbreaking collaboration, two of the world’s most iconic and recognized brands, Formula 1 and the LEGO Group, have announced an exciting new partnership set to begin in 2025. This dynamic union is poised to bring Formula 1 racing to life through a wide range of LEGO products, providing an interactive and immersive experience for fans and builders of all ages.
The new product range will feature a variety of F1-inspired LEGO sets, catering to different age groups and skill levels. Pre-school children will be able to enjoy the thrill of Formula 1 through specially designed LEGO DUPLO sets, which are known for their ease of use and developmental benefits. For older children and adult enthusiasts, more advanced brick sets will be introduced, allowing builders to construct detailed Formula 1 models, combining the adrenaline of motorsport with the creativity of LEGO building. These sets are expected to offer a blend of educational play and hands-on fun, making them a hit with Formula 1 and LEGO fans alike.
But the partnership doesn’t stop at the product line. The LEGO Group will also play a major role at Formula 1 events, bringing their creativity and fan engagement expertise to life through fun and interactive fan zone activations throughout the F1 season. These activations will provide a unique experience for racegoers, offering the opportunity to immerse themselves in the worlds of both Formula 1 and LEGO, with hands-on building activities and exciting challenges at races around the globe.
With a shared commitment to innovation, creativity, and community engagement, this partnership will offer something special for everyone, from preschool builders to seasoned motorsport fans. As 2025 approaches, fans can eagerly anticipate not just the products but also the events and digital content that will bring the worlds of LEGO and Formula 1 together like never before.
The collaboration promises to leave a lasting impact, inspiring builders and Formula 1 enthusiasts alike with an engaging fusion of sport and play. Fans can look forward to getting their hands on the F1-inspired LEGO sets, participating in fan zone activities, and exploring new digital experiences when the partnership officially launches in 2025.
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