Max Fashion, the renowned international fashion house from Dubai, has announced an exciting new partnership with Bollywood star Alaya F to launch its latest collection aimed at the youth market. With a strong presence in India through 500+ stores and its online platform, Max Fashion's collaboration with Alaya F underscores its commitment to catering to the growing demand for trendy, affordable fashion among young consumers.
The partnership is being launched with a vibrant digital campaign that merges fashion, music, and self-expression, perfectly capturing the spirit of the brand’s youthful audience. Alaya F, a rising star in Bollywood, brings her unique energy and style to the collection, making it a perfect fit for fashion-forward individuals across India.
Pallavi Pandey, Head of Marketing, Max Fashion India stated, "We're extremely proud of the Alaya F X Max Urb_n partnership and confident that Alaya's collection will elevate the brand conversation, empowering youth to redefine fashion on their own terms. Alaya's vibe resonates incredibly well with today's youth & Max Urb_ns values – cool, confident, & bold. She embodies being real and defines this generation with self-expression, and our campaign builds on the same. The collection will be available in all 515+ Max fashion stores and on from August 9th.”
The new collection, Urb_n, features four distinct stories—Neo Feminine, Ultra Feline, Lowkey Luxury, and Rustic Denim—offering a range of styles at accessible prices between Rs. 499 and Rs. 1,499. Available across all 515+ Max Fashion stores and online at starting August 9th, the collection ensures widespread accessibility and constant novelty with weekly style refreshes.
Sumit Chandna, President & Deputy CEO of Max Fashion said, "The introduction of Urb_n in India has been a success in the market. This collection (Urb_nXAlayaF) speaks directly to our audience, bringing fresh perspectives and bold choices that mirror the spirit of youth.”
The collection's launch is part of a strategic move by Max Fashion to enhance its appeal to younger consumers, particularly those in the 17-22 age bracket. By bridging the gap between its existing offerings and the demands of the youth, Max aims to strengthen its position in the competitive fast-fashion landscape. The Urb_n collection’s emphasis on inclusivity and self-expression, highlighted in a dynamic video featuring Alaya F, reflects the diverse choices and multifaceted personalities of today’s youth.
Alaya F commented, “Being part of the Urb_n India has been exciting. This collection truly captures our generation's essence, from diverse styles to fresh choices. It's more than fashion; it's a statement of who we are and how we live."
The Urb_n collection offers a blend of modern and contemporary designs, including the "Neo Feminine" line that combines strength with grace through balloon hems and gingham tops, the "Ultra Feline" collection with grunge denim and bold animal prints, the "Lowkey Luxury" line featuring earthy, dystopian-inspired prints with metallic accents, and the "Rustic Denim" collection that revives 90s aesthetics with brown denim and graphic prints.
Max Fashion's approach to this collection goes beyond just providing trendy clothing; it embraces influencer-led marketing and authentic representation, ensuring a genuine connection with its young audience. With its commitment to frequent style updates, accessible pricing, and extensive availability, Max Urb_n is poised to make a significant impact in India's dynamic fashion retail market.
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