6Degree, one of India’s leading fashion platforms, is planning to launch more brick and mortar stores across India. Recently, the company has opened its first multi-designer store ‘Closet’.
Located in Bengaluru, the first store of the brand houses a wide range of outfits by designers such as Ajay Kumar, Jayanthi Ballal, Nikasha, Megha Jain Madan, Jyoti Kashmiri, AOM Couture, Gazal Mishra, Etika Sancheti, Sita Mikhail and other designers.
Closet is also selling online through its e-commerce platform. It eyes at enabling designer labels to gain visibility and grow its business through three important concepts, which includes fashion weeks, retail management and multi-designer commerce platform.
Till date, 6Degree introduced more than 50 designer labels. It is the only company in India to have the exclusive rights to present designer labels at Lakme Fashion Week and Fashion Design Council of India.
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