Amazon India increased the area under its fulfilment centres by 60% to 4 million sq ft in the first quarter of 2017 from a year ago by opening seven new warehouses.
During the earnings call at the end of the quarter, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said that the marketplace is one of the fastest-growing platforms in India.
He said, "The team has increased Prime selection by 75% since launching the programme nine months ago, increased fulfilment capacity for sellers by 26% already this year..."
Amazon India plans to double the capacity at its Ahmedabad warehouse and expand its fulfilment centre in Delhi sixfold to meet the increased requirement from these regions.
The marketplace, which had announced setting up of seven warehouses dedicated to handling sale of large appliances and furniture in April, said that the new fulfilment centres will be operational by June. This raises the overall number of centres run by Amazon India to 41, with 14 additions this year, compared to Flipkart's 31warehouses.
Flipkart had earlier this year announced setting up of 10 new fulfilment centres focused on storing and handling bulky goods, as it chases high margin and high average sale price categories, especially large appliances and furniture.
Akhil Saxena, Vice-President (Customer fuifilment), Amazon India, said, "We have seen the number of sellers on 'Fulfilled by Amazon' going up.We are moving to a larger facility in Delhi due to the growth in the number of orders."Amazon India plans to expand fulfilment centre in Delhi by sixfold
Amazon India plans to double the capacity at Ahmedabad warehouse
Amazon India increased the area under its fulfilment centres by 60% to 4 million sq ft in the first quarter of 2017 from a year ago by opening seven new warehouses.
During the earnings call at the end of the quarter, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said that the marketplace is one of the fastest-growing platforms in India.
He said, "The team has increased Prime selection by 75% since launching the programme nine months ago, increased fulfilment capacity for sellers by 26% already this year..."
Amazon India plans to double the capacity at its Ahmedabad warehouse and expand its fulfilment centre in Delhi sixfold to meet the increased requirement from these regions.
The marketplace, which had announced setting up of seven warehouses dedicated to handling sale of large appliances and furniture in April, said that the new fulfilment centres will be operational by June. This raises the overall number of centres run by Amazon India to 41, with 14 additions this year, compared to Flipkart's 31warehouses.
Flipkart had earlier this year announced setting up of 10 new fulfilment centres focused on storing and handling bulky goods, as it chases high margin and high average sale price categories, especially large appliances and furniture.
Akhil Saxena, Vice-President (Customer fuifilment), Amazon India, said, "We have seen the number of sellers on 'Fulfilled by Amazon' going up.We are moving to a larger facility in Delhi due to the growth in the number of orders."
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