With an impressive PBT growth of 46 per cent at Rs 3,978 lakh as against Rs 271.8mn in the same last year, the Bata India net sales is up by 13.4 per cent at Rs 3500.6 million as against 3086.2 million in the same period last year.
Announcing the results, Marcelo Villagran, Managing Director, Bata India Limited said, “We have delivered our best ever results this quarter with the highest growth in our bottom line. This increased profitability is the result of improved sales and margin from our shoe line and continued growth from both of our retail and non retail businesses through rapid expansion, higher response to our collections, better customer service and growth in our customer base. We will continue to grow and focus on providing the Indian consumer with the best in footwear.”
The shoe company has continued its foray to expand its presence by opening international format shoe stores. It also invested in expanding the footprint of the Hush Puppies chain of exclusive stores targeting premium customers and is today present in all metros. The chain also reached out to newer customers through shop-in- shops in partnership with major department store chains.
The company has put major emphasis on its youth and women segments. Newer designs introduced during this quarter under its international brands of Marie Claire, North Star & Weinbrenner were much appreciated by such customers. The company’s spring summer collection and monsoon collection also received great response from the customers.
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