Bata’s net profit grew by 29 per cent at Rs 5265.2lakh in the quarter ended June as against Rs 4098.9 lakh in the same period last year. The sales of the company grew by 18 per cent at Rs 51084.7 lakh as against Rs 43450.9 lakh last year.
Announcing the results, Rajeev Gopalakrishnan, Group Managing Director, Bata India Limited said, “All of us here at Bata would like to thank our esteemed and loyal customers, it’s because of our customers that we have received outstanding results this quarter with remarkable increase in sales and profit yet again. Our focus to expand the retail outlets and our constant endeavour to improve the merchandise with newer and better designs will continue. In fact such great response from our customers for the ever improving product range is very encouraging”.
Further adding Gopalakrishnan said, “We launched our new campaign ‘Discover New’ focusing on new and younger audiences, with an attempt to gain more footfalls. Through this unique initiative we wanted to connect better with our customers offering them freshness in all aspects, especially the renewed vibrancy and fervor that can be experienced at our stores, new merchandise and great services”.
Bata India has continued the strategy of expanding its retail stores and has opened 35 new Bata stores this quarter. These new stores are based on the new large format and are above 3000 sq. ft and are spread across metros, tier I and tier II cities. Hush Puppies brand also saw expansion with the opening of seven exclusive new stores and two shop-in shops in leading department stores in the same period.
The company also opened four new Footin stores across the county. In first half of year 2012, the company opened a total of 119 new stores. 96 Bata retail stores, 10 Hush Puppies exclusive outlets and five shop in shop stores and Footin opened eight new stores.
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