Being Human opened its first Indian flagship store in Mumbai at Linking Road. Jointly launched by actor Salman Khan and Manish Mandhana, Managing Director, Mandhana Industries, the 4,000 sq.ft. outlet stocks men's wear comprising T-shirts, shirts, shorts, denims and chinos. The store also offers accessories such as belts, caps, and footwear.
Women's and kids' wear will be launched in March. According to the company officials, organic cotton will also be used for the brand's merchandise.
Speaking on the occasion, Salman Khan, Founder, Being Human, said, “From a T-shirt, Being Human has now grown into a full clothing line with its own stores. I’m touched at the love people have shown for this brand, and I invite them to buy original Being Human clothing from our stores or from select Shoppers Stop, Lifestyle, Splash, and Jade Blue outlets.”
Mandhana Industries has entered into a worldwide licensing arrangement with Being Human-The Salman Khan Foundation to design, manufacture, retail, and distribute fashion apparel. The royalties received on the sale of this fashion line will be used to support the education and healthcare initiatives of the Foundation. Manish Mandhana, Managing Director, Mandhana Industries, added, “Our offerings have received a fabulous response in the UAE and French markets. We are very excited to be associated with ‘Being Human- The Salman Khan Foundation’ and are all set to extend a unique lifestyle option to Indian and global consumers who are looking at contributing to their community in some way. ”
Being Human plans to add eight more stores by March and has a target of setting up 50 stores in India by 2014. The brand also plans to launch a franchising model, especially in tier II and III cities.
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