Boggi Milano the leading Italian menswear lifestyle brand announced the launch of its first store in Chennai. The brand entered India in 2008 under a joint venture with real estate major DLF’s retail management subsidiary, DLF Brands Ltd., currently operates five stores in Delhi-NCR region, one store each in Kolkata and Bangalore and is looking at expansion in other parts of the country like Pune, Hyderabad and Mumbai.
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Giorgio Brandzza, Brand Director, Boggi Milano, said, “We are extremely pleased to launch our store in Chennai. We recently opened our two new stores in Delhi NCR and one store each in Kolkata and Bangalore and thereby entering into a stage of faster development to bring the best in Italian styles and fits to our Indian consumer. We are looking at opening up to 35 outlets in India by 2015 and have plans to garner revenue of around $50 million (about Rs 225 crore) from the country within next five years.”
The 140 million euro Boggi Milano currently sells almost its entire international range in the country including formals, casuals, sportswear and accessories. Its suits start from Rs 15,000/- a piece, while casual shirts and accessories are offered at Rs 2,000 onwards
Boggi Milano operates in over a dozen countries and has around 80 exclusive outlets across the world.
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