Canon India Pvt Ltd has signed up Bollywood actress, Anushka Sharma, as the youth icon, to mark the re-positioning of the PowerShot sub-brand. Along with the new brand ambassador, the company has also unveiled its series of PowerShot Digital Cameras, which are targeted at youth.
With this agreement, Canon will bring in a new TVC for the PowerShot series. The TVC is based on the theme “A to Z of What Makes Us Click” with a backdrop of fun, energy and exuberance. Targeting the youth in the age group of 18-30 years, the campaign on the brand PowerShot aims at connecting the whole new concept of image capturing with the youth.
“Canon is an aspirational brand and so is the attractiveness and energetic persona of Anushka Sharma who the audience looks up to as the youth icon. There is great synergy between Canon’s new lifestyle line up and Anushka as both are exuberant and dynamic. We are rolling out the campaign with her called ‘What makes us Click’ highlighting youth capturing spontaneity. We truly believe our association will go a long way as we commit ourselves to bowl over the youth of India,” said Dr Alok Bharadwaj, Senior Vice President, Canon India.
Moreover, Canon is also launching a new IXUS series campaign, featuring Indian supermodel, Indrani Dasgupta, on the theme “Live It Up with IXUS”. The aim of this print campaign is to enhance the style and luxury quotient of the existing IXUS range, making it a strong premium range for segment that demands efficiency, portability, easy usability and luxury.