Moto G5 Plus will be launched exclusively on Flipkart. Flipkart has unveiled a ‘Buyback Guarantee’ program for the device. It will be sold exclusively on Flipkart for a period of 9 to 12 months, starting March 15.
The buyback guarantee program offers the customers to enjoy a fixed discount rate when exchanging the smartphone within a certain time period.
Ayyappan R, director, Flipkart said, "Over the past nine months, we have seen all devices by Motorola being launched on the Flipkart platform exclusively. We have also observed that smartphones is a 90%-plus repeat category for us and it is mostly existing customers upgrading their phones. While they do this every 15 to 18 months on offline, on the Flipkart platform we see upgrades almost every nine months."
He added that the repeats were driven by affordability and low-cost EMI for consumers. For January-February 2017, the marketplace commanded 65% of the share of online smartphone sales in India.
Ayyapan said, “Think of it as buying an insurance cover for the phone. The price for the device might get revised but Flipkart will buy it back at the value agreed on. In future we intend to increase this scheme to other devices.”
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