Frontier Biscuits announced their expansion in the Punjab market. Frontier Biscuits who recently opened their store in Bhatinda, aims to strengthen their base in Punjab. Frontier Biscuits currently has stores in Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Amritsar and Jalandhar. The newly opened Bhatinda store is opened at Amrik Singh Road with the most defining hand crafted assorted range of biscuits prepared with extreme care and perfection. The stores will retail all the 45 variety of delicious eggless premium biscuits and aim to set a benchmark for biscuit lovers in Punjab.
Frontier Biscuits is the only biscuit brand in India which offers 45 varieties of eggless premium biscuits, khatais and rusk. They have 12 processing zones which cater to 50 exclusive branded retail stores across North India. Their traditional handmade approach and use of natural ingredients to manufacture biscuits insures the delicious taste and high quality standards. Their stringent quality checks ensure that only the best quality raw material is used in the biscuits to achieve the best, crisp and crunchy flavor.
Rajan Sethi, Chief – Business Development, Frontier Biscuits said," Frontier Biscuits have always catered the most defining assorted range of biscuits prepared with extreme care and perfection. We have been getting good responses from our stores across Punjab and therefore we decided to come up with a store on Bhatinda too. The company is presently experiencing an average growth rate of 11 per cent. With the new stores in the pipeline for the Punjab market and across India, we strengthen our promise to enter new market areas and make Frontier Biscuits more accessible to the masses and biscuits lovers. We recently launched three variants of ‘No added sugar’ biscuits in July, 2012 increasing our product portfolio from already existing 45 varieties. The company has always been committed to deliver quality products and services to its customers at right place, time & price making Frontier Biscuits a household biscuit brand in Punjab.”
Frontier Biscuits caters to customers of all age groups as they have an assortment of flavors in biscuits made with care and perfection to make sure the biscuits reach highest standards in the market. Strict quality checks are carried to confirm that supreme quality of raw materials is used to manufacture delicious and crisp biscuits. All the products are available at exclusive Frontier Biscuits shopping zones and are delivered from company’s owned and operated distribution zones ensuring the product quality.
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