Gitanjali Jewels, the flagship brand of Gitanjali Group, launched their exclusive showroom in Meerut recently. Karthikeyan Vishnu, Vice President Marketing, Gitanjali Jewels, along with Saurabh Agarwal, Franchise owner, Gitanjali Jewels unveiled the showroom at Abu Lane, Meerut amidst a select gathering of guests and media. Gitanjali Jewels offers a bouquet of world’s leading jewellery brands like Nakshatra, D’damas, Gili, Asmi, Sangini and Pareenita.
As part of the special inaugural offer Gitanjali Jewels is offering up to 20 percent discount and free silver coins on purchase of diamond jewellery and flat Rs 111 off on per gram of Gold Jewellery.
Karthikeyan Vishnu, Vice President - Marketing, Gitanjali Jewels said, “Purity, variety and authenticity are the vital ingredients of any shopping experience for a consumer and Gitanjali strongly communicates this message in its delightful brand portfolio. Our products can be exchanged Pan India across any of our stores thus providing more flexibility to the end user.” “No gift could be more enduring than a diamond and we claim to be the perfect place on earth to get one.” Vishnu added.
Saurabh Agarwal, Franchise owner, Gitanjali Jewels Meerut said, “There is a growing demand of branded jewellery among the consumers today and the trend is swiftly being picked up in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This is Gitanjali Jewels 9th Store in the State and promises to extend a satisfying jewellery buying experience to its customers."
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