H&M, the Swedish fast fashion giant, has launched its first store in Bosnia and Herzegovina, adding one more market to its retail footprint. The newly opened store is present at the Delta Planet shopping mall, located in Banja Luka, Bosnia’s second largest city.
Claudia Oszwald, H&M’s Country Manager for Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, said, "We have been waiting for this for a long time and we are glad to see so many H&M fans in Banja Luka. Around 1,000 customers waited in line to be the first ones to visit the new store. The store spans over 2,500 square meters (approximately 27,000 square feet), divided into two floors."
In the last six months, Bosnia and Herzegovina is the third new market for H&M to expand. The company introduced its first shop in Ukraine in August and the first shop in Uruguay in October.
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