ITC plans to set up standalone exclusive outlets for the sub brands that it sells through the flagship Wills Lifestyle stores and also make a foray into online space. Explaining on same, Atul Chand, chief executive, lifestyle retailing business division, ITC, said, "We will soon roll out the pilot phase of sub brand exclusive outlets across markets. These sub brand stores will be set up over 1,500 square feet compared with the 2,000-2,500 square feet for the flagship Wills Lifestyle outlets. It has already set up one exclusive men wear store in Chennai.
ITC is also foraying into online sales for its lifestyle retail business. The company has recently introduced the Wills Lifestyle e-store and plans to double its online revenue every year. It is also selling through e-commerce sites such as Jabong, Myntra and Flipkart.
The company currently runs nearly 100 Wills Lifestyle stores across 40 cities and the brand is also sold at more than 700 leading multi-brand stores, including retail chains such as Central, Lifestyle and Shoppers Stop. There are 400 John Players stores, apart from 20 exclusive John Players Jeans outlets.
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