Bringing a contemporary twist to the rich Indian jewelley heritage, designer Annu Chadha under the label ‘Jewels by Annu Chadha’, launched the first standalone boutique in the capital. The store sprawls over 1400 square feet at A-8, south extension Part-1, New Delhi. The brand has its retail outlets in three cities which are Chandigarh, Amritsar and Delhi. Her next store will find a location in Mumbai.
In future, she is planning to step outside India. Annu Chadha’s collections have a lot of European taste and that is the reason, she is eyeing to open store in London. Her clientele are mostly celebrities and models like Raveena Tandon, Pooja Batra and Tulip Joshi. The stones used in her products are mostly Diamond, Emerald and Ruby. The Price starts from Rs 60,000 for an earpiece and goes higher depending on the stones used.
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