LG Electronics has been the first one to launch the next generation 3D TVs with Film Pattern Retarder (FPR) technology. India is one of the first few markets where it has launched 3D TVs after home base South Korea where it hit the market in February.
LG has now received FULL HD in 3D-Mode certification by VDE, one of the largest technical and scientific international associations in Europe, this ruling from the VDE delivers the clearest affirmation of the fact that LG’s FPR technology in 3D mode delivers Full HD resolution.
“LG is targeting to sell 1, 00,000 units of Cinema 3D TV’s in 2011. The Indian 3D television market is estimated at 2,00,000 units a year. LG Electronics India thru its marketing initiatives will be targeting the youth and plans to invest Rs. 300 crore in marketing initiatives with Cinema 3D as its flagship product ” says Mr. Soon Kwon, MD LGEIL.
The 3D experience with Cinema 3D has become bigger and better. The CINEMA 3D TV optimizes the separation of images for the left and right eye to give viewers clear 3D pictures with less crosstalk, no more dizziness and eye fatigue that sometimes occurs with wearing shutter glasses. LG’s Cinema 3D TVs offer a better viewing experience with the superior FPR technology. With the advanced 2D to 3D conversion feature, the Cinema 3D TV can convert 2D content into high quality 3D, so viewers will never be short of content to watch in 3D.
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