Loyalty Builders launches customer analytics for catalogue marketing
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Loyalty Builders launches customer analytics for catalogue marketing

By Indian Retailer Bureau

US based Loyalty Builders, a leader in SaaS software that delivers affordable customer analytics, has launched a new, low-cost service designed for marketers who have customers purchasing through catalogs.Speaking on the launch, Mark Klein, Founder and CEO of Loyalty Builders, said,

"Catalog production costs are rising. Postage rates are rising. Some shoppers still mail in their orders, but more and more are using the internet, email, or phone to complete their purchase.

We want to help catalog marketers leverage this multi-channel behavior so they can better serve their customers and increase their company revenue in the process," he said.

The service, Customer Analytics for Catalogers (CAC), analyzes the expected purchase value of catalog purchases for each individual customer, their risk of defection, and the potential return on investment of a catalog before it goes in the mail.

The analysis will help catalog marketers fine-tune catalog mailing strategies, find the most likely buyers for current catalog mailings, develop email alternatives to customers who are better suited for an email channel, and evaluate the overall effectiveness of their catalog and email marketing balance.

A large part of the CAC's service is identifying and targeting the customers most likely to buy via catalog vs. email. In using the CAC service, one retailer, a devoted Loyalty Builders client who was struggling with declining catalog revenue, increased their revenue per catalog by 99.7% in a targeted mailing.

Those customers selected using CAC's targeting produced $2.97 more revenue per catalog than the customers targeted by the retailer's previous catalog mailing strategy.

Klein sees enormous potential in marketers knowing how to get the most response and revenue from their catalog channel while also supplementing their catalog strategy with individualized emails to customers. The fee for the CAC including all deliverables is $4,500.

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