Mahindra Retail took on the green hue with the launch of its unique ‘Green’ Mom & Me store in Bangalore. Located at Indiranagar, the well established retail destination, this is the 25th Mom & Me story in the country and the 5th in Bangalore. The store is spread over an area of 3200 sq ft. This Green Mom & Me store uses eco-friendly, recycled and reused construction material.
Its environment friendly nature features the maximum use of natural elements in the store such as low energy consumption lighting, lead free paints & tiles, doors reconditioned from the existing buildings etc. The kids play area too has natural toxic free Marmoleum to ensure a safe environment.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. K. Venkataraman, Managing Director, Mahindra Retail Pvt. Ltd. said, “I am delighted to launch the 25th Mahindra Retail green store in Bangalore, which reinforces our commitment to sustainability and a greener environment. As an environmentally conscious organization, Mahindra Retail seeks to drive positive change and make a difference in the life of its customers.”
A combination of eco-friendly LEDs and CDMT lighting has been used throughout the store. 60 per cent of the doors are reconditioned and reused from the existing buildings.
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