New Era, an international sports and lifestyle brand, has collaborated with Rohit Sharma, the vice-captain of the Indian cricket team, for bringing an exclusive line of caps designed by Rohit Sharma. With this collaboration, New Era is working towards its commitment to expand in the Indian market.
The new collection marks Rohit Sharma's first venture into the design. This collection will be reflecting Rohit’s distinct style and unique aesthetic, designed in conjunction with New Era to introduce soon across India.
Rohit Sharma said, "I have been a huge fan of New Era Cap Co. It's a great feeling to partner with the worldwide leader in caps to launch my own signature line for my fans. It's no secret that I'm a cap lover and I'm partnering with the best to bring my fans the best in terms of style and quality. What makes New Era caps a must have is that it is fashionable and sporty at the same time. I look forward to this association with the brand in India."
Paul Gils, Vice President-EMEA, New Era Cap, added, "New Era Cap Co. is thrilled to continue its growth in the Indian market with the announcement of our partnership with one of India's most talented cricketers Rohit Sharma. Rohit Sharma defines style and commitment both on and off the field. The signature line of caps will appeal to a wide range of fans, blending his style and persona. This line will be the start of many others that we intend to bring in with KAN D: FY sports as our exclusive distributer."
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