Nirvana, the diamond jewellery brand store and part of Fine Jewellery India Ltd, has made its maiden entry into South India, with its store at Inorbit Mall in the IT hub of Hyderabad. It plans more such stores in the region. In the pipeline are stores in Bangalore and Chennai. The company is in the process of scouting for franchisee partners to expand its presence with more stores across the country. It has teamed up recently with Franchise India to select partners, according to Mr Mehul Shah, President, Sales and Marketing, Nirvana Diamond Jewellery. “We are rapidly expanding our retail presence across the country. This will be a combination of fully owned stores and franchise ones in different regions of the country. Most of the presence for Nirvana is in large format stores of Shopper's Stop, Westside, Pantaloons, and this would continue going forward,” he said. The company now has five stand-alone stores and 110 stores in different formats.
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