PVR Ltd, the leading entertainment company in India, announced its first ‘NFC enabled PVR Wallet’ app for the BlackBerry 10 platform. Empowered with the innovative NFC technology and NEC’s Integrated E-money solution, moviegoers can now ‘tap & pay’ for movie tickets and refreshments without using paper money across 15 PVR cinemas in cities like Delhi & NCR, Chennai, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Pune, Hyderabad, and Bangalore.
PVR app has been bolstered by NEC India, which is the supporting backend provider for ‘PVR Wallet'. NEC India has provided an end-to-end cloud-based e-payment system called NFC e-Money server to PVR that integrates itself facilitating interactivity between devices (the NFC enabled phone and PVR wallet access), for any monetary transactions.
Commenting on this application, Pramod Arora, Group President & CEO, PVR Ltd. said, “PVR has always been a market leader in technology innovation in lieu of providing the very best experience to its consumers. We have a long standing association with BlackBerry and we are excited to launch the ‘NFC enabled PVR Wallet’ app for the BlackBerry 10 platform. Also, with the launch of this latest application, PVR reiterates its commitment to provide it’s consumers the latest in technology and innovative features making lives of movie lovers simpler, faster and worthwhile.”
“BlackBerry is committed to NFC technology, including supporting mobile payments and the convenience it brings to BlackBerry customers. We are pleased that PVR has launched their wallet app for BlackBerry 10,” said Annie Mathew, Director, Alliances and Business Development at BlackBerry.”
Commenting on this achievement, Koji Oda, Managing Director, NEC India said, “NEC has been a premier player in the retail technology domain globally and we are honored to be selected again by PVR Cinemas as its preferred technology partner. NFC is an important technology used to bridge the smartphone owner to both the physical and online world for an enhanced user experience. We are committed to empowering our customers with innovative technologies like NFC to help them gain customer loyalty, and together, strengthen our foothold in the retail and entertainment industries.”
The NFC enabled PVR Wallet app is a ‘Closed Loop Payment Wallet’ where the rights to use the transaction money remains within the premises of PVR cinemas. The multiplex brand PVR has been in the entertainment business for more than a decade and continues to bring different offerings for its movie aficionados, making it convenient, safe and enjoyable with every innovation.