Madura Garment’s flagship brand Peter England is all geared up to garner the sales turnover of Rs 500 crore in the current financial year. The textile retailer is also mulling to foray into the kids segment in near future. The company is using the most effective way to increase the brand visibility through its television commercials (TVC). The company is anticipating that this would increase its market share from 20 percent to 30 percent.
Kedar Apshankar, chief operating officer, Peter England said, “We will be coming up with TVCs after a gap of seven years. Typically we will be spending around 9-10% of our revenue on advertisement spend, out of which 50% will be for the new TVCs.” Last fiscal Peter England had clocked Rs 400 crore turnover.
"We will be soon entering into kids' segment with a slew of products,” he added.
Peter England's new initiative would be based on three major areas such as product level, retail level and marketing plans.
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