Red Mango, a leading frozen yogurt brand in the US, has made its entry into the Indian market with its first flagship outlet in Delhi. Spread across 1,300 sq ft, the chain offers delicacies that are bound to hit the right note with the young Indian customer. Present across 19 countries with over 235 stores, the brand has targeted to open 12 to 15 outlets by the end of this year, which will touch the figure of 100 in the next five years, as per their strategy. “Red Mango has served the international market with its yogurt offering for a long time. The time is ripe now for the brand to strengthen its position in the Indian market, which is comfortable with the concept of frozen yogurt,” says Rahul Kumar, CEO & Principal Owner, Red Mango India. The brand plans to open an array of outlets in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and Chandigarh in the days to come. Talking about the investment, Kumar said, “Over the next couple of years, we will invest around Rs15-20 crore in the Indian market.” Red Mango is the first authentic healthy food QSR in the country.
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