Ritu Wears recently launched its first store in Indore. Adding the glam factor to the launch was Malaika Arora Khan. The store is called Ritu Wears Biglife. It brings it customers the biggest and never-before range of high-fashion clothes, footwear, jewellery, cosmetics, fragrances, toys, watches, sunglasses, luggage and accessories for men, women and kids, all under one roof. You get a great range from the most popular brands like Color Plus, Levi’s, Louis Phillipe, Van Heuse, Reebok, Lee, Levis, Spykar, Police, Hugo Boss, Gini & Jony and more, at the store.
With a vision to establish itself as India’s leading fashion & lifestyle brand with global values, the group is planning major investments and introducing new retail concepts in the rapidly evolving organised retail landscape in India. In the year just gone by, the group has launched four showrooms at Indore, Jalandhar, Faridabad and Indirapuram. Plans are underway to add 33 more stores by 2014 expanding towards North and Central India.
Sanjay Sahni, MD and Samir Sahni, Joint Managing Director at Ritu Wears addressed the press at the launch.
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