Sandeep Kochhar, Managing Director, Kochhar Glass Private limited won prestigious gets ‘Young Achievers Award’ for diligent effort in glass industry at Business Mantra Sammelan 2010.
The Award was presented by Dr. Dinesh Awasthi, Director, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of Ahmedabad (EDI) and congratulated Sandeep for his outstanding achievements and said Entrepreneurs should be encouraged to look at new areas rather than follow tradition and be innovative. There was a need to look upon entrepreneurs as role model in the society.
Kochhar takes immense pride in the way things are shaping at KGPL. He declares, "I have an enterprising team, best possible professional support and the will to put in required hard work. He has proved himself to be an asset to KGPL family, bringing fame and proud consistently.
Congratulating the young achievers for their success, Raj Pathak, Head- Cyber Media TV, said “every person has talent of some sort and the only thing needed is to recognise it”.
The Major Highlights of Business Mantra Sammelan 2010 are Enthusing the whole entrepreneurial eco-system of the Bhopal city as never before , Bring all stake holders of entrepreurial eco-system namely policy makers, large corporate ,MSME-needing knowledge to scale up ,Youth-needing ideas and finance to start up and finally Academia- needs to continuously polish its learning about the needs and trends of industry, Audience generation through 360 degree media ie tv, radio, print, online, OOH etc for the first time in a big way to connect with MSME's of a city and over 200 plus enterprising people expected to participate mainly comprising of youth and MSME with good number falling in the category of SME's and even Corporates.
The entire event was filled with enthusiasm and pride.
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