Shreem Jeweler launched its first exclusive show room in New Delhi. Former Miss India International and renowned Bollywood star, Esha Gupta inaugurated the store. The store is located at Karol Bagh, Bank Street, New Delhi and this is the company’s first flagship store spread across a total area of 7000 sq ft. The new store vividly exhibits an exquisite blend of traditional bridal jewellery for the modern woman of today which are ideal for the Indian bride. The bridal designs exemplify the essence of a woman’s journey ie through three phases of her life ie through her engagement, marriage and reception. The store is very innovatively designed with gleaming glass cases and intricate designs on display are extraordinary and modern.
Speaking on this launch, Ashutosh Sharma, Managing Director, Shreem Jeweler, said, “We are proud to launch our first showroom in New Delhi where Shreem is the quintessence of radiance, attitude, independence and elegance for every woman. We have introduced our first of its kind collection made of golden coloured diamonds which is sure to entice every woman. Each magnificent piece is designed by our brilliant designers and carefully crafted by our jewellery craftsmen. Our jewellery embodies opulence and grandeur. Our offerings and innovative designs will make for an enchanting experience for our clients. We also customize the jewelery depending on the requirement of the client.”
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