Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli has collaborated with German sportswear brand Puma to launch athleisure wear for little boys under his brand One8. With this, Kohli’s brand One8, which sells adult apparel, footwear, fragrances, packaged water and energy drinks, ventures into kids category.
The new collection has been designed by Virat Kohli himself, catering to the boys aged from 4-14 years. It comprises a range of sneakers, tees, shorts, active pants and accessories such as backpacks and beanies for boys.
Virat Kohli said, “Sport holds a very important place in my life. It has helped me become who I am today. I urge every parent to encourage their children to play more and remain physically fit. It’s fun, relieves stress and helps them stay healthy. The launch of the kid’s collection is my way of calling out to our future generations, because feeling fit and looking active is a simple step towards leading a more active lifestyle.”
Abhishek Ganguly, Managing Director, PUMA India, stated, “Kohli is a great inspiration and role model for children. Ever since we launched the PUMA one8 collection, we had many kids come to our stores eager to buy merchandise designed by him. We are thrilled to extend our range to all his young fans.”
“Kids is a key category for PUMA. With this launch, we look to further build this segment and enhance the collection for our younger consumers,” he further added.
Virat Kohli’s exclusive one8 collection will be available at PUMA stores across India.
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