eBay India released the Battle of the Gadget Rankings for the most popular gadget models and brands based on an analysis of all gadget transactions on eBay India from January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012. The research report showcases interesting trends of India’s Top Gadget Cities, models and brands across four popular gadget categories of laptops, cameras, mobile phones and televisions.
The most popular gadget brand has been retained by Samsung with 31 per cent of market share across the gadget categories of laptops, cameras, mobile phones and televisions on eBay India. The most popular brands are Samsung in the mobile phones category, Nikon in the digital camera category, Apple in the laptop category and Samsung in the TV Category. On an average day on eBay India, a mobile handset sells every three minutes, a laptop sells every 13 minutes and a digital camera sells every 25 minutes.
Abhimanyu Lal, Head–Categories, eBay India, says, “Gadgets are amongst the most popular purchases for the eBay shopper. We have an extensive range of gadgets across brands, models and budgets which enables our consumers to get easy access to the best deals and widest selection online. In the latest edition of Battle of the Gadgets, a key trend is that gadgets are getting increasing traction with non metro shoppers with as much as 57 per cent of transactions coming from beyond the metros. In fact, cities like Hissar, Bikaner, Meerut and Coimbatore feature amongst the Top 10 Cities.”
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