Beverages - The Upcoming Rage in Food Industry
Beverages - The Upcoming Rage in Food Industry

With eating out becoming a trend in today’s time, the beverage segment is also seeing a boom in the industry. According to Mr. Nikhil Mahlawat, General Manager, Pind Balluchi, Gurgaon, “People are not only preferring a simple non-alcoholic drink but also trying alcoholic drinks which is made in India but has an international tag. Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) is highly on demand among the regular customers of Pind Balluchi.”

While talking about the type of crowd, Mr. Mahlawat further adds that the weekday crowds are mostly by the corporate people whereas weekends see a house full of family and friends. Speaking on the price tag, he says,“We offer lower priced beverages and drinks so that it doesn’t pinch anybody pockets and leave an effect on his budget for another week. Also we provide offers on Citibank cards and Amercan Express Cards, organise food festivals, etc. We are currently oraganising a festival on ‘Purani Dilli’ style food.”

Franchise India carried out an extensive survey on understanding the different preferences people make while ordering a beverage. It was found that 35% voted for cold drinks as compared to liquor or mocktails during the day.

As per the research it was found that people preferred their beverage along with their meals.

Instance of having beverage Percentage
Before the meal 21%
Along with the meal 68%
 After the meal 11%


            As per our research, it was found that corporates usually go for tea or coffee during a business meet. Talking in this regard, Mr. Mahlawat added that corporate generally prefer a non-alcoholic drink only a few among 1000 go for beers and whisky.

Corporate choice of beverage during meetings Percentage
Cold drink 18%
Water 5%
Liquor 9%
Juice 21%
Tea/Coffee 41%
Mocktails 7%


As per Mr. Raj, Manager, 10 Downing Street, Chandigarh, “The beverage industry is excelling in the market with people visiting restaurants regularly. About 70% of people prefer beverages when out. In restaurants, 40% go for non-alcoholic drinks while the rest prefer alcohol. Virgin Mojito is the most preferred drink in my restaurant.” Our survey results also reflected that 40 per cent went for cold drinks in the non-alcohols category.

Preferred non-alcoholic beverage in restaurant Percentage
Cold drink 40%
Water 7%
Juice 24%
Tea/Coffee 10%
Mocktails 19%


Among the alcoholic beverages, our survey showed people’s inclination towards beer (32 per cent) and whisky (30 per cent) as compared to champagne (10 per cent) and vodka (12 per cent). Mr. Raj says, “Beer is the most preferred alcoholic drink at my restaurant, 10 Downing Street.”

Preferred alcoholic beverage in restaurant Percentage
Beer 32%
Pint 4%
Vodka 12%
Whisky 30%
Tequila 2%
Rum 1%
Wine 4%
Gin 1%
Champagne 10%
Cocktails 4%


Our survey also suggests that the beverage industry is growing at a rapid pace in the country with people becoming more addicted and open to spend money on drinks and foods.

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