Time to Opt out of Regular Monotonous Food Business
The millennial have unfolded their wings to fly way anywhere just to have that peculiar taste on their tongues that is the beauty of food.
Drink Beer Mahou San Miguel way
Mahou San Miguel is all set to revolutionise the way people drink in India by targeting customers' who do not just drink beer but savor and…
  • By - Nusra
  • / 8 MIN READ
India's first PYOB chain
An exclusive interview with Rahul Singh, The Beer Cafe.
  • By - Nusra
  • / 5 MIN READ
AAP Govt goes strict on bringing liquor from Haryana
The move is intended to boost revenue by plugging losses as the AAP government loses out on tax which enriches the coffers of its neighbor Haryana.
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India Will Always Remain A Whiskey Country, says Keshav Prakash
In an interview with Restaurant India, Keshav Prakash, the founder and curator of The Vault, speaks about the whiskey consumption in India.