How the GST Council's New Norms Are Shaking Up India's Snack Industry!
The GST increase to 18 percent on ready-to-cook (RTC) and ready-to-eat (RTE) products is expected to impact both manufacturers and consumers.
Impact on restaurant ecosystem of 5% GST rule on food aggregators
An input tax credit is basically GST paid on input services or raw materials that can be set off against a certain kind of future tax liability.
How Reduction in GST is affecting Industry
India food service which is highly driven by the increasing interest of millennials in the sector.
Will Lower GST rate Push Restaurants to Hike Menu Price
Cutting GST and bringing taxes down will create lots of opportunities and open up newer doors for both, brands as well as consumers.
  • By - Nusra
  • / 4 MIN READ
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GST to bring uniformity in restaurant taxes
GST for country is a good reform. It is not only a tax reform but a business reform in which non compliant companies will lose the game.
  • By - Nusra
  • / 4 MIN READ
GST to make eating out more costlier, affect employment
Restaurants with a turnover of less than Rs 50 lakh will be levied a tax rate of 5 per cent
  • By - Nusra
  • / 4 MIN READ
How GST will impact the Big Biz of hotel industry
Food is now going to be charged at 5% which may come as an advantage in most states
How GST will help food biz grow in India
FMCG industry which is one of the major contributors in overall GDP is going to be the topmost industry being benefited from GST.