In the last two years there is a sudden awareness amongst restaurants and food joints by taking natural and healthier way dropping plastic containers and straws at their outlets.
People these days are working hard on giving it back to the community. There are many restaurants that have started working with local and rural suppliers to get fresh and organic ingredients and supplies.
On this Environment day, Mother India- a fine dine restaurant situated in the heart of Connaught Place, Delhi decided to bid goodbye to plastic straws and opted for a green route by using Paper straws. The restaurant is going green to bring in a small change by #refusetheplasticstraw creating awareness about the effects of plastic straws.
“We are happy and proud to take this pledge #refusetheplasticstraw at our restaurant. By taking this initiative, it’s our small contribution towards a greener worl,” shares Nandini Nneeraj, owner, Mother India, adding that a plastic straw damages not only one’s health but the environment as well as it takes years to destroy those straws.
The restaurant has also stopped supplying plastic straws in the orders for deliveries. For those who insist on using a straw however, they offer paper straws sourced by the restaurant buys from a local supplier.
In Kerala 3.3 million plastic straws are used every day. It is 500 million daily in the U.S. So, billions of these straws, by implication, are thrown away around the planet. The initiative against the plastic straw had started a little earlier, but it was about two years ago that the campaign took off really well in India including in mainly metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore etc. And, with this initiative I am sure that restaurants are going to adapt newer and fresher changes.
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