It’s said that adversities don’t make a person, they reveal him/her and what challenging times revealed about Manvi Chaudhary, a Gurgaon-based entrepreneur. At a very young age of 24 year she got the courage to venture into the cut-throat competition of F&B world and then immediately finding out that one official ruling has turned the tide against all her business plans. While most will lose hope, Manvi, immediately went back to the drawing board and got cracking. Exactly, a month and four days after the Supreme Court ruling that banned the sale of alcohol within 500 meters of state and national highways, she reopened Pier 38 –Cocktail Bar & Kitchen, her brainchild and this time, all set to soar. She is also the recipient of Young Achievers Award at the 6th World Women Leadership Awards. Read, what she has to say on her nightlife venture:
What was the idea behind Pier 38, the Indo Arabic Kitchen & Cocktail Bar?
The idea was to bring to India what I had experienced globally. The idea was to make a very casual, chilled out space that had the right vibe, great music, with very good quality cocktails and food, at a reasonable price, available to the millennial.
You bagged the Young Achievers Award at the 6th World Women Leadership Awards. What was the inspiration entering the nightlife business?
It was just my true calling. I felt this is what I had to do; the paucity of such infrastructure, the fact that I wanted to introduce so many people to new concepts inspired me.
There is a myth that nightlife business is not about women. How do you overcome these challenges?
I mean, it’s a challenge, but over time you develop your systems in a way that everything falls into place and becomes smooth process.
What is unique about Pier 38 as Gurgaon has become a hub for bar and restaurants?
Everything about us is unique. It’s one of the few places where almost the entire upper management is women. This reflects in the way we run our restaurant. You can see the attention to details, sensitivity in our approach to everything & a really kick ass vibe!
In addition our expertise is in handcrafted cocktails as well as Arabic & Indian food, presented in a very chic way.
How many varieties of cocktail do you serve? Which is ordered the most?
At Pier 38, we serve over 50 varieties of cocktails. Some of them are secrets that we serve only to our regular guests; some are even designed for specific guests that we have. Smokey Bourbon Bolt, a Pier 38 signature is one of the top sellers.
What is the average footfall at Pier and average ticket size?
We have over 200 people visiting us daily.
Do you create a lively ambience at Pier?
I don’t think it’s only all about the ambience. But yes, it’s a very important factor. We make sure our music is in sync to the crowds’ mood; lighting plays a very important role in setting the ambience right, so we focus on that as well. In addition, we try to keep our sitting arrangements in a way that privacy is maintained of the guest, and yet they don’t feel claustrophobic. I also feel that the air conditioning is a very important and often ignored part of ambience.
What are the different types of cuisine served?
We primarily do Arabic and Indian food, although we have a wide variety of bar snacks from different cuisines.
If not a restaurateur, where can we see you doing wonders?
Had I not been in this Industry, I would have probably been in the Events’ Industry, which I really enjoy and I’m also good at organizing events. I like paying attention to detail and planning in advance.
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