Street marketing provides the option of promoting your venture in an unconventional way in various public places. Going for street marketing thus can promote a brand to the maximum extent informing people about the presence of your restaurant.Street marketing includes the activities which can be done on the street in order to create brand awareness. “Restaurateurs need to understand the importance of street marketing in the current time. It is one big tool which helps in creating your brand awareness targeting maximum number of people,” says Shah Nawaz Hussain, Owner, Al Nawaz.
Street marketing provides the opportunity to eliminate all kinds of challenges in the way of marketing and promotion. You get to meet directly with your potential customers and are one terrific way to drive business right at the venture’s door. A huge impact can be created by opting for street marketing which works in favor of the restaurant.
Hats and T-Shirts
Printed t-shirts with the logo and restaurant’s name speak for the brand. Adding website in clear font at back side of t-shirt also contribute towards brand's advertisement. Employees should be encouraged to wear those t-shirts while outside as it grabs attention. Giving free t-shirts to your best customers adds to your marketing idea. “Providing free t-shirts and other clothing accessories always help in elevating your business. This is an era of street marketing where you should utilize it to the fullest,” shares Arijit Dutta, Co-owner, Travelistan.
Vehicle Wrap
Using your vehicle as a marketing tool is always the best option. Get an attractive design developed for your vehicle which boldly advertises the restaurant. In the current time, almost every restaurant is having a delivery option. So make sure that the delivery boy has a vehicle wrap or some kind of sticker along with him which advertises the restaurant. Commercial vehicles can also be used for advertising. In the current advertising era, it’s indeed very important to use this feature.
Flyers and Posters
The proper use of employees and volunteers on the streets make sure that they hand out flyers and coupons to passerby. The traditional way of advertising is the best way to make a connection with people as it allows direct communication. It instantly speaks of the message trying to be communicated. Posters are another medium to grab the attention of generally most of the people. Hang them in places where people can easily see them. You should think of places where you could find a large number of people after taking permission from the concerned authority.
When it’s about street marketing, you need to have a plan according to which you are going to act and stick to it. You could consider street marketing as an overall marketing strategy as well as advertising. Be creative and find ways to communicate your message to your customers via these mentioned ways.
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