Well-known Telugu actor Naga Chaitanya has launched cloud kitchen brand ‘Shoyu’ through an exclusive partnership with Swiggy.
Operating in a cloud kitchen format, Shoyu offers pan-Asian cuisine, including a wide range of delectable Japanese dishes made available to customers in Hyderabad through Swiggy.
Paying due attention to environmental impact, the food is packed and delivered using sustainable packaging materials.
“Food is very special to my heart. I have had the opportunity to travel across the world and experience the best cuisines. Shoyu has given me the opportunity to venture into a space I am extremely passionate about,” he said by adding that a lot of work has gone into launching this brand.
Shoyu offers a wide range of pan asian cuisine including dishes such as Nigiris, Thai Curries, Dimsums, Baos, Sushi, Soups, Rice, Noodles, and many more.
Speaking on the partnership, Paul Varghese, VP – Supply, Swiggy shared, “As Swiggy’s first association with a celebrity-led brand, we are delighted to break new ground with Chaitanya’s Shoyu, a novel concept, with a choice of delicious Asian foods offered in carefully designed and sustainable packaging. We are excited about the customer response this brand is witnessing in such a short span and proud to be associated with Shoyu that is setting new stands for cloud kitchen brands in India.”
Swiggy users in Hyderabad can avail discounts and special inaugural offers by Shoyu on the Swiggy app.
To ensure the safety of customers, the Shoyu staff and Swiggy delivery executives observe Covid-safe protocols at every step, right from the preparation of the food to its delivery. Customers can also opt for ‘no contact delivery’ on Swiggy’s checkout page when they place their order.
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