Celebrity chef Aanal Kotak, one of India’s top 50 food entrepreneurs, has launched its restaurant, The Secret Kitchen, in Surat, Gujarat. This expansion comes after the restaurant’s resounding success in two other cities of the state, including Vadodara and Ahmedabad.
The launch’s special feature has been Aanal Kotak’s collaboration with The Robinhood Army, wherein she has pledged to deliver at least 10 food packs from her newly-opened restaurant to underprivileged kids.
Kotak said, “I am delighted to open the newest branch of my restaurant, The Secret Kitchen, in Surat. It has been a long but eventful journey to where I am today, and I am thankful to everyone who supported me in my endeavors. While initially there was not much belief in my efforts, over time, my hard work and the fact that I chose to continue in this path proved people otherwise.”
“I am also very proud to be associated with The Robinhood Army for a cause that is very dear to me. I believe that if every restaurateur starts cooking for five underprivileged kids every day, along with their staff food, then at least 150 people can be fed every month from each restaurant,” she added.
Aanal’s cooking talent, entrepreneurial acumen, and passion led her to become the first chef to introduce Gujarati fine dining to the haute-cuisine world.
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