The Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) is requesting the food safety body FSSAI to extend the deadline for mentioning FSSAI license number on bills as asked by the operator earlier.
FHRAI on Monday said it has made a representation to food safety regulator FSSAI on this.
Earlier this month, Food safety and Standards Authority of India has mandated food business operators to mention FSSAI licence or registration number on cash receipts or purchase invoice with effect from October 1 2021.
Also Read: Restaurants, food businesses to mention FSSAI licence no. on invoice/bills from Oct
FHRAI said that it is in favour of the FSSAI's latest order. However, the hospitality body has requested the regulator to take into consideration the COVID-hit industry's on-going crisis and the additional expense burden that businesses would have to incur to implement new systems, including the printing of new receipts, invoices, bills, cash memos and updating of the software.
"FHRAI appreciates the FSSAI's endeavour to set up a robust customer grievance system in the country. This will also improve the overall awareness of the FSSAI and its underlying objectives of creating a safe and hygienic ecosystem for FBOs," shared Gurbaxish Singh Kohli, VP, FHRAI Vice President in a statement.
While this is a great initiative, Kohli added it has to be taken into account that at present, tourism and hospitality is the most impacted sector by the COVID pandemic.
"During such times of deep crisis, the implementation of this order would entail a lot of additional expenses on businesses. Hence, we request FSSAI to extend the timeline for implementation of the order until such time that some normalcy returns to the sector," he added.
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