After Domino’s failed food quality tests in the Western part of the Uttar Pradesh, KFC, the global chain, has failed quality testing in the state.
The issue brought to the notice by Allahabad district authorities where Food Safety and Drug Administration (FSDA) of UP has confirmed the same.
The FSDA report had collected samples of edible oil from a KFC outlet, the franchise of which is owned by Yum Restaurant Private Limited.
It was found, after the test that "miracle powder" was being used to keep the oil fresh. Even palmolein oil was also found rancidity positive.
"Once the oil becomes rancidity positive, it becomes acidic when it comes into contact with oxygen. This directly affects the digestive system,” shared Ram Araj Maurya, additional commissioner, FSDA.
He also added that the department has served two notices to the KFC outlet.
Last month, FDA had cancelled the license of the Gajraula outlet of Domino’s in the Amroha district after its tomato sauce snack packing was found unsafe for consumption after tests in the Kolkota laboratory.
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