?Parag Milk, KMG Milk shares up 4% as gvt bans milk products from China
?Parag Milk, KMG Milk shares up 4% as gvt bans milk products from China

Shares of Parag Milk Foods and KMG Milk Food gained up to 4 per cent in early trade after media reports that the government has banned milk, milk products and confectionary items from China for one year.

At 11:18 hours IST, Parag Milk Foods was trading 2.18 per cent up at Rs 222.80. The scrip opened at Rs 219.85 and touched a high and low Rs 227.10 and Rs 218.35, respectively, in trade so far. Benchmark BSE Sensex was up over 200 points, or 0.66 per cent, at 31,490. KMG Milk Foods was trading 3.76 per cent up at Rs 26.20. 

For the quarter ended March 31, 2017, Parag Milk Foods reported consolidated net sales of Rs 428.30 crore, up 3.38 per cent, against Rs 414.26 crore in the corresponding quarter last year. Net profit of the company jumped 86 per cent Year-on-Year to Rs 29.96 crore during the quarter under review. It had posted net profit of Rs 16.09 crore in the same quarter last year.

On the other hand, net sales of KMG Milk Foods dipped 88 per cent to Rs 0.35 crore from Rs 3.02 crore during the same quarter. Its net profit also dipped 45 per cent YoY to Rs 0.26 crore in Q4FY17 from Rs 0.48 crore in Q4FY16.

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पराग मिल्क ने लॉन्च किया प्रीमियम फ्रेश काउ मिल्क ब्रांड
पराग मिल्क ने लॉन्च किया प्रीमियम फ्रेश काउ मिल्क ब्रांड

पराग मिल्क, पुणे के पास मंचर के डेयरी फार्म से हवाई जहाज द्वारा दूध लाएगा और दिल्ली में अपने उपभोक्ताओं तक पहुंचाएगा।

पुणे आधारित डेयरी कंपनी पराग मिल्क फूड ने साउथ दिल्ली और एनसीआर में अपना प्रीमियम फ्रेश काउ मिल्क ब्रांड 'प्राइड ऑफ काउज़' लॉन्च किया है। कुछ ही महीनों में कंपनी अपनी इस नई पेशकश का पूरे दिल्ली में विस्तार करेगी।

पराग मिल्क, पुणे के पास मंचर के डेयरी फार्म से हवाई जहाज द्वारा दूध लाएगा और दिल्ली में अपने उपभोक्ताओं तक पहुंचाएगा। इस कदम का उद्देश्य उपभोक्ताओं को नए सिरे से फार्म के ताजे दुध का अनुभव कराना है।

पराग मिल्क फूड के प्रमुख, देवेंद्र शाह ने कहा, 'कंपनी प्रमुख रूप से लॉजिस्टिक्स और वितरण पर फोकस करेगी। साथ ही ये दूध को डिलीवर करने में छ से सात घंटे तक का समय लगाएगी। इस कदम का मुख्य कारण उत्तर में कंपनी की पहुंच को मजबूत बनाना है। दिल्ली एनसीआर देश का सबसे बड़ा दूध बाजार है जिसका मूल्य लगभग 11 हजार करोड़ रुपए है।'

वर्तमान में डेयरी कंपनी मुंबई, पुणे और सूरत में करीब 25,000 घरों में अपनी सेवाएं दे रही है।

प्राइड ऑफ काउज़ की यूएसपी इसकी प्रत्यक्ष फार्म-टू-होम मिल्क अवधारणा है।

शाह ने आगे कहा, 'इससे मिलने वाला कंपनी का रेवेन्यू वित्त वर्ष 13-18 में 28 प्रतिशत के सीएजीआर की दर से बढ़ा है और यह इसी गति से आगे बढ़ता रहेगा।'


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Parag Milk launches its premium fresh cow milk brand in Delhi NCR
Parag Milk launches its premium fresh cow milk brand in Delhi NCR

Parag Milk Foods, a Pune-based dairy company, has launched its premium fresh cow milk brand 'Pride of Cows' in South Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR). The company will extend this offering to the entire state in the next couple of months.

Parag Milk will be airlifting the milk from their dairy farm in Manchar, near Pune, and bring it to consumers in Delhi. The move is aimed at providing farm fresh experience to the consumers.

Devendra Shah, Chairman, Parag Milk Foods, said, "The company will majorly focus on logistics and distribution and it will take between six to seven hours for milk to get delivered. The rationale of the move is to strengthen the company's presence in the North. Delhi NCR is the largest milk market of the country valued at around Rs 11,000 crore."

At present, the dairy company is serving 25,000 households in Mumbai, Pune and Surat.

Pride of Cows’ USP is its direct farm-to-home milk concept.

"The Company's revenues from Pride of Cows have grown at a CAGR of 28 per cent over FY13-18 and it will continue to grow at this pace," Shah added.


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Dairies in maharashtra to run out of milk pouches soon
Dairies in maharashtra to run out of milk pouches soon

Dairies in Maharashtra will soon run out of milk pouches as plastic manufacturers in the state and Daman have decided to suspend the supply of plastic films, which are used to make milk pouches, to dairies from December 15. This move is likely to impact milk supply adversely in the state.

The Maharashtra Plastic Manufacturers' Association's decision to suspend the supply of plastic films came in view of the ongoing actions against the industry. The action has been taken against the industry, for not preparing an extended producers responsibility (EPR), by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).

According to the rules, manufacturers or producers must submit the EPR plan, including the modalities of a waste collection system, to the urban development department for approval.

A top source within the Maharashtra Plastic Manufacturers' Association said, "A letter was sent to the dairy industry on November 21 communicating the decision. We discussed the ambiguity and obstacles in preparation of the EPR in a meeting. It was attended by the manufacturers producing plastic film supplied to oil and dairy industry. It was decided that we will be suspending supplies of such plastic films from December 15."


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'No cause of alarm' about milk adulteration: FSSAI
'No cause of alarm' about milk adulteration: FSSAI

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has stated that there is no cause of alarm about the quality of milk in India, citing initial findings of its nationwide survey.

The food regulator collected 6,000 samples for testing the quality of milk. It would soon release the initial survey report.

Pawan Kumar Agarwal, CEO of FSSAI, said, "There is no alarming situation. The 2011 survey showed 68 per cent of samples as sub-standard. But sub-standard does not mean that milk is unsafe. Only 14-15 per cent of samples were unsafe."

"In the new survey, we are not only testing samples on qualitative norms but also and quantitative parameters. Besides we are going to check residues from pesticides and fodders. We will soon release the initial report of this survey. But I want to say there is no cause of alarm," Agarwal added.


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दूध उत्पादों के निर्यात के लिए ड्यूटी इनसेन्टिव बढ़ाएगी सरकार
दूध उत्पादों के निर्यात के लिए ड्यूटी इनसेन्टिव बढ़ाएगी सरकार

दूध और कुछ दूध उत्पादों के विदेशी शिपमेंट को बढ़ावा देने के लिए, सरकार ने भारत सरकार से मर्चेंडाइज एक्सपोर्ट (एमईआईएस) के तहत इन उत्पादों के निर्यात के लिए शुल्क लाभ बढ़ाने का फैसला किया है।

इससे पहले, सरकार ने एमईआईएस के तहत कुछ कृषि और डेयरी सेक्टर वस्तुओं के लिए कर्तव्य लाभ 10% बढ़ाया था।

सरकारी अधिकारी ने कहा, "अब, एमआईआईएस के तहत अगले वर्ष 12 जनवरी तक दूध और कुछ दूध उत्पादों पर निर्यात इनसेन्टिव को 10 प्रतिशत से 20 प्रतिशत तक बढ़ाने के लिए निर्णय लिया गया है।"

बढ़ाए गए इनसेन्टिव में पनीर, पूरा दूध, स्किम्ड दूध, दूध और बच्चों के लिए दूध से बना भोजन, कन्डेन्स्ड दूध, दही, मक्खन और मट्ठा शामिल हैं।

राजस्व विभाग ने व्यय को पूरा करने के लिए 21.40 करोड़ रुपये का अतिरिक्त वित्तीय आवंटन भी किया है, जो इन इनसेन्टिव पर किया जाएगा।

अधिकारी ने आगे कहा, "इस संबंध में अधिसूचना जल्द ही विदेशी व्यापार महानिदेशालय (डीजीएफटी) द्वारा जारी की जाएगी।"


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Government decides to increase duty incentives for exports of milk products
Government decides to increase duty incentives for exports of milk products

For boosting overseas shipments of milk and certain milk products, the government has decided to increase duty benefits for exports of these products under the Merchandise Export from India Scheme (MEIS).

Earlier, the government had enhanced the duty benefits to 10% for certain agriculture and dairy sector items under MEIS.

The government official said, "Now, it has been decided to increase export incentives on milk and certain milk products from 10 per cent to 20 per cent for about four months up to January 12 next year under MEIS."

Some of the items that are included under the enhanced incentives are cheese, whole milk, skimmed milk, milk and milk food for babies, condensed milk, yoghurt, buttermilk and whey.

The Department of Revenue has also made the additional financial allocation of Rs 21.40 crore to meet the expenditure, which will be incurred on these incentives.

"Notification in this regard will be released soon by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)," the official further added. 


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पतंजलि द्वारा सस्ता गाय दूध के बावजूद मदर डेयरी कीमतों में कमी नहीं करेगा
पतंजलि द्वारा सस्ता गाय दूध के बावजूद मदर डेयरी कीमतों में कमी नहीं करेगा

मदर डेयरी ने कहा है कि बाबा रामदेव के पतंजलि समूह द्वारा सस्ता पैक किए गए गाय के दूध के बावजूद कीमतें कम नहीं होंगी। कंपनी ने यह कहते हुए विश्वास व्यक्त किया कि इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि इस सेगमेंट में कितने खिलाड़ी प्रवेश करते हैं, इसकी बिक्री की मात्रा प्रभावित नहीं होगी।

मदर डेयरी प्रति दिन लगभग 7 लाख लीटर गाय दूध बेच रही है, मुख्य रूप से दिल्ली-एनसीआर बाजार में। मदर डेयरी गाय के दूध 42 रुपये प्रति लीटर बेचती है, जबकि हरिद्वार स्थित पतंजलि आयुर्वेद ने 40 रुपये प्रति लीटर लॉन्च किया है।

मदर डेयरी फ्रूट एंड सब्जी प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के निदेशक सौगाता मित्रा ने कहा, "हम प्रतिस्पर्धा का स्वागत करते हैं। पतंजलि समूह की प्रविष्टि से गाय दूध खंड के समग्र आकार में वृद्धि होगी। इससे किसानों और ग्रामीण अर्थव्यवस्था में भी मदद मिलेगी, लेकिन हम न तो गाय के दूध की कीमत में वृद्धि करेंगे और न ही कम करेंगे।"

पतंजलि ने पिछले हफ्ते गाय दूध और दूध आधारित डेयरी उत्पादों को लॉन्च करके गाय दूध खंड में अपनी मांग की घोषणा की थी। कंपनी वित्त वर्ष 20 तक लगभग 1000 करोड़ रुपये की बिक्री को लक्षित कर रही है।

मित्रा ने कहा, "हम पिछले 40 सालों से दिल्ली-एनसीआर बाजार की सेवा कर रहे हैं। हमारे ग्राहक ब्रांड के प्रति वफादार हैं। देश भर में पैक किए गए गाय दूध बाजार प्रति दिन करीब 10-12 लाख लीटर होने का अनुमान है। हम बेचते हैं वर्तमान में लगभग 7 लाख प्रति दिन और अगले वर्ष मार्च तक प्रति दिन 8 लाख लीटर तक पहुंचने का अनुमान है।"

मदर डेयरी प्रति दिन 36-37 लाख लीटर दूध की आपूर्ति करती है। इनमें से 32 लाख लीटर प्रति दिन दिल्ली-एनसीआर में आपूर्ति की जाती है।

इससे पहले, बाबा रामदेव ने कहा था, "हमारा दूध अन्य स्थापित ब्रांडों की तुलना में 2 रुपये प्रति लीटर 40 रुपये प्रति सस्ता होगा। हमारा लक्ष्य है कि अगले वित्त वर्ष में 1,000 करोड़ रुपये का कारोबार हो। इस वित्त वर्ष में, हमारे पास कारोबार होगा 500 करोड़ रुपये।"



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Mother Dairy won't reduce prices despite cheaper cow milk by Patanjali
Mother Dairy won't reduce prices despite cheaper cow milk by Patanjali

Mother Dairy has said that it will not reduce prices despite cheaper packaged cow milk by Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Group. The company expressed confidence by saying that it doesn’t matter how many players enter this segment, its sales volume will not be affected.

Mother Dairy is selling around 7 lakh litres of cow milk per day, largely in the Delhi-NCR market.

Mother Dairy sells cow milk at Rs 42 per litre while Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurved has launched it at Rs 40 per litre.

Saugata Mitra, Director of Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt Ltd, said, "We welcome competition. Patanjali group’s entry will lead to an increase in the overall size of the cow milk segment. It will also help farmers and the rural economy. But, we will neither increase nor decrease our price of cow milk." 

Patanjali had last week announced its foray into the cow milk segment by launching cow milk and milk-based dairy products. The company is targeting sales of around Rs 1,000 crore by FY20.

Mitra said, "We have been serving the Delhi-NCR market for last 40 years. Our customers are loyal to the brand. The packaged cow milk market across the country is estimated to be of around 10-12 lakh litres per day. We sell around 7 lakh per day currently and this is estimated to touch 8 lakh litre per day by March next year."

Mother Dairy supplies about 36-37 lakh litres of milk per day. Out of which, 32 lakh litres per day is supplied in Delhi-NCR.

Earlier, Baba Ramdev had said, "Our milk would be cheaper than other established brands by Rs 2 at Rs 40 per litre. We are aiming to have a business of Rs 1,000 crore by next fiscal. This fiscal, we would have a business of Rs 500 crore."


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अधिकारी ने कहा भारत में 68% दूध व डेयरी उत्पाद एफ़एसएसएआई के मापदंड के अनुसार नहीं हैं
अधिकारी ने कहा भारत में 68% दूध व डेयरी उत्पाद एफ़एसएसएआई के मापदंड के अनुसार नहीं हैं

मोहन सिंह आलूवालिया ने कहा कि 68.7% दूध व दूध से बने उत्पाद फ़ूड सेफ्टी व स्टैंडर्ड्स अथॉरिटी ऑफ़ इंडिया (एफएसएसएआई) के मापदंडों के अनुसार नहीं हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि सामान्य मिलावट डिटर्जेंट, कास्टिक सोडा, ग्लूकोज़, सफेद पेण्ट एवं रिफाइंड आयल द्वारा की जाती है। आलूवालिया ने आगे कहा कि देश में दूध व दूध से बने उत्पादों में मिलावट इतनी है कि 68.71% दूध व इससे बने उत्पाद एफएसएसएआई द्वारा निर्धारित मापदंडों के तहत नहीं बेचे जाते।

31 मार्च 2018 तक भारत में दैनिक दूध उत्पादन 14.68 करोड़ लीटर पंजीकृत है। उत्तर प्रदेश के राज्यों में दक्षिण राज्यों की अपेक्षा दूध में अधिक मिलावट दर्ज की जाती है। आलूवालिया ने आगे कहा कि कुछ वर्ष पूर्व में दूध में मिलावट पर हुए राष्ट्रीय सर्वे में यह पाया गया कि साफ़-सफाई व स्वच्छता कि कमी व दूध की संभाल, पैकेजिंग के लिए धोने वाले टबों में, दूध व दूध उत्पादों में डिटर्जेंट पाउडर मिलाया जाता है।

यद्यपि दूध में डिटर्जेंट पाउडर व दूसरे दूषणकारी तत्व जैसे यूरिया,  स्टार्च,  ग्लूकोज़ व फोर्मलिन इसलिए मिलाया जाता है, चूंकि यह दूध को गाढ़ा बनाते हैं और दूध को लम्बे समय तक सुरक्षित रख सकते हैं। हाल ही में भारत सरकार को जारी विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन की परामर्शी के अनुसार यदि दूध व दूध से बने उत्पादों में मिलावट को जल्द नहीं रोका जाता तो 2025 तक 87% नागरिक बहुत गंभीर बीमारियों जिसे कैंसर से ग्रस्त हो जाएंगे।    


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Official says 68% Of Milk, Dairy Products in India not as per FSSAI standard
Official says 68% Of Milk, Dairy Products in India not as per FSSAI standard

Mohan Singh Ahluwalia, a member of Animal Welfare Board of India, said that around 68.7% of milk and milk products sold in India is not as per the standards prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

He said that the most common adulterants which are being used are detergent, caustic soda, glucose, white paint and refined oil.

"The state of adulteration in milk and milk products in the country is such that 68.7 per cent of milk and milk products sold is not as per the standards laid down by the FSSAI," Ahluwalia further stated.

The production of milk in India is registered at 14.68 crore litres per day till March 31, 2018. The adulteration in milk was more in the Northern states as compared to the southern states of India.

Ahluwalia further said that as per a survey conducted by the National Survey on Milk Adulteration a few years back, it was found that due to lack of hygiene and sanitation in handling and packaging, detergents used in washing containers mix with milk and milk products.

"However, detergent and other contaminants like urea, starch, glucose and formalin are also used to deliberately adulterate milk as they provide thickness and preserve the milk for longer periods," he added.

As per an advisory issued by The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently to the Government of India, if adulteration of milk and milk products is not checked immediately, 87 per cent of citizens would be suffering from serious diseases like cancer by the year 2025.


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Online Grocery Startup Milkbasket Raise $7 Mn Series A Round
Online Grocery Startup Milkbasket Raise $7 Mn Series A Round

Day-to-day grocery delivery startup Milkbasket has raised $7 million in a Series A funding led by Kalaari Capital with participation from its existing investors, BeeNext, a Japanese fund, Unilever Ventures and Blume Ventures.

Commenting on the investment, Vani Kola, MD, Kalaari Capital said, "Strong founding team, focus towards data-based decision making, operational rigour, and incessant focus on customer delight, backed by a large market opportunity in the grocery space culminated into us leading a $7M Series A round into Milkbasket."

Founder and CEO Anant Goel added that the company is going to use the funds for further innovations in supply chain efficiencies and last mile logistics, hiring additional talent and expand into additional territories.

Teruhide Sato, founder of BeeNext, said, "Our investment in Milkbasket provides us with meaningful participation in one of the fastest growing e-grocery markets globally."

In previous raises, the company had raised $3 million in a pre-series A funding from Unilever ventures and others in January 2018.


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Parag Milk Partners TAJSATS Air Catering For Product Supply
Parag Milk Partners TAJSATS Air Catering For Product Supply

Parag Milk Foods announced it has tied up with TajSATS Air Catering for supply of cow milk-based products on international flights.

Parag Milk Foods Chairman Devendra Shah said “We have entered into an MoU for the first time with TajSATS to supply our products on international flights. This is just the beginning of the relationship and the company is looking to strengthen this partnership in the months to come. Although we already export our products to several countries, this is another step to introduce our products to international customers”.

Parag Milk sells its products under the brand "Gowardhan" and "Go". Shares of the company rose 8.33 per cent to Rs 264.70 a piece on BSE.


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Dairies Cut Procurement Milk Prices
Dairies Cut Procurement Milk Prices

Indian dairy companies have taken a hit on their margins due to the fall in international prices of skimmed milk powder (SMP) and doubling of domestic tax on ghee. Dairies have cut milk procurement prices 10-22 per cent in the past few months.

Prakash Kutwal, secretary, Doodh Utpadak Va Prakriya Vyavasayik Kalyankari Sangh (milk producers and processors’ welfare federation) said “SMP price has declined from Rs 260 per kg to Rs 120 per kg in the international market in the last 3-4 months. Maharashtra produces about 30 million litres of milk every day, of which only about eight million is used as liquid pouched milk. The bulk of milk procured is used for making various dairy products such as butter, SMP, ghee, cheese, curd, etc. Maharashtra’s milk farmers are more vulnerable to international price fluctuations since state is the leader in export of milk products. Sale of ghee has fallen substantially as the price has increased from Rs 30 per kg of smaller brands to Rs 55 per kg in case of national brands. Maharashtra government increased the procurement price of cow’s milk to Rs 27 per litre for 3.5 per cent fat and 8.5 per cent SNF (solid not fat), up about 12 per cent”.

The tax on ghee increased to 12 per cent under GST from 6 per cent before the implementation of the GST regime.


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OMFED Partners With Grozip for online marketing of milk products
OMFED Partners With Grozip for online marketing of milk products

Provider of milk and other milk products prepared by the Orissa State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Limited (OMFED) at customers’ doorsteps on Monday signed a MoU with Grozip, a city-based online grocery service. Grozip will make home delivery of various OMFED products on a phone call or click of a mouse.

Odisha government had asked OMFED to start online marketing of milk and milk products in 2015 after the state-owned dairy board failed to sale huge amount of surplus milk. “Online marketing is the need of the hour and more numbers of customers want to buy products online so we tied up with Grozip.

Managing director of OMFED said “It a sizable costumer base who buy various products like grocery and vegetables from them and now the costumers can get milk through it. OMFED is also going to launch its own mobile APP (application) soon through which customers can directly order milk and milk products.

Anand Mishra, CEO and founder of Grozip  said “We have a customer base of around one lakh in the last one and a half years. We have plans to offers attractive schemes for customers like cash back and free delivery on a minimum order. We get around 60 to 100 orders a day from Cuttack and Bhubaneswar for various grocery items including vegetables. We are also planning to include cooked food in our products soon”.

Meanwhile, the online marketing service launched by Odisha State Poultry Products Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd (OPOLFED) in 2015 has not been working for last several months.


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HC ordered milk firms to test the products every 3 months
HC ordered milk firms to test the products every 3 months

The Madras High Court today ordered three private milk manufacturers to get their products tested in a certified lab every three months and submit the report. Justice C V Karthikeyan said his July 10 interim order restraining Dairy Development Minister K T Rajendra Balaji from making allegations on quality of the products of the manufacturers without any proof would continue till the disposal of the suits.

The judge was hearing an application filed by the Hatsun Agro Product Ltd, Dodla Dairy Ltd and Vijay Dairy and Farm Products Pvt Ltd. In the application, companies had sought an interim order directing the minister not to make general allegations.

The judge directed the companies to test samples of their products in certified labs every three months and submit the lab reports in the court till the suits were adjudicated.

In their suits, the companies had each claimed Rs one crore damages from the minister over his allegations that they had indulged in adulteration of their products.

Besides seeking the damages, the firms had submitted that the minister's remarks were meant to create a "sense of fear and panic" among consumers and a sense of "disgust and revulsion" on milk and milk products manufactured by private dairies as a whole and their product in particular.


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Drupe Food India launches Lactose-Free Vegan Milk
Drupe Food India launches Lactose-Free Vegan Milk

India Leading food and milk company Drupe Food India has launched Lactose-Free Vegan Milk India. Lactose-free milk and milk products are beneficial for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is very common, especially in adults. In order to digest lactose properly, the body produces an enzyme called lactase. In people with lactose intolerance, the body stops producing adequate amounts of lactase, causing symptoms such as bloating, cramps, diarrhoea and nausea.

Drupe Food India Founder and COO talked about Lactose free vegan milk and said “Drupe is the first natural real almond milk manufactured in India in bottles without the use of preservatives, sugar or additives or any artificial flavouring substance. As these techniques degrade the food's nutrient content and original flavour, sugar might make it tastier but it brings the immunity down by 50%. It takes the place of important nutrients, hence not allowing the body to consume essential nutrients, children are given sweet- flavoured milk and they are the ones who need the maximum nutrients for growth.”

Drupe food India is a registered start-up company who manufacture 6,000 litres Almond milk on daily basis. Company manufacturing plant is in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Company has recently launched drupe online and offline retail chain. Consumer can buy it online from Amazon.in and drupepower.com


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?NDDB says its CALF got BIS recognition of milk and milk products
?NDDB says its CALF got BIS recognition of milk and milk products

National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has said its Centre for Analysis and Learning in Livestock and Food (CALF) got Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) recognition for analysis of milk and milk products.

The recognition is given for analysis of various milk and milk products, including packaged pasteurised milk, flavoured milk, sterilised milk, condensed milk, milk powder, cheese, shrikhand, paneer, skimmed milk powder (Grade I and II), pasteurised butter, butter oil, ghee, dahi, yogurt and ice-cream, NDDB said in a release.

Currently, CALF is the only laboratory in the country to receive BIS recognition.

CALF is a multi-disciplinary analytical laboratory of NDDB at Anand in Gujarat.

It offers a range of reliable and accurate analytical services in the field of dairy products, food, fruit and vegetables, water, feed and animal genetics at an affordable cost.

CALF is also a notified referral laboratory for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for milk and milk products.


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Heritage Foods to start 5 more milk processing plants in the next 5 years
Heritage Foods to start 5 more milk processing plants in the next 5 years

South India's one of the leading dairy companies, Heritage Foods has entered the northern region with the launch of its milk and milk products.

To achieve its mission of reaching Rs.6000 crore revenues by end of 2022, Heritage is going to start 5 more milk processing plants in the next 5 years, the company said.

To achieve this, Heritage said, they will ramp up its current volume of 14 lakhs litres of milk per day to 28 lakh litres. 

This growth is aided by recent acquisition of Reliance Dairy’s brands, Dairy Life and Dairy Pure in North India.

By entering the northern market the brand said the milk supplied in Delhi will be collected from farmers located just 5 hours away; thereby ensuring freshness and a consistent flow of good quality milk.

Brahmani Nara, Executive Director, Heritage Foods, said, "We are very happy to foray into Delhi and other states in the North and we would like to repeat the same success we have had in other markets where Heritage is a trusted brand. 

While we have aggressive expansion plans of being a Rs.6000 cr. company by 2022, we would like to stick to our core philosophy of our own procurement of milk from farmers 5 hours away from Delhi to ensure the freshest milk to the consumer, everyday."


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?FSSAI reveals milk adulteration is more in north India than in southern states
?FSSAI reveals milk adulteration is more in north India than in southern states

Milk adulteration is more in north India compared to southern states, food safety regulator FSSAI has said.

To address this issue, the regulator has already developed a testing kit to check the quality of milk and is looking for investors for its bulk production.

However, more detailed and focused strategy to tackle the menace of adulteration will be developed after conducting one more survey, it added.

Ashish Bahuguna, Chairman, FSSAI, said, "A survey conducted three months ago showed in general that milk adulteration was low in southern India, more in north India."

A survey with a sample size of about 2,500 had "some surprising" results as some states reported no adulteration at all, which "I personally cannot believe", he said.

Stating that there is no question on the integrity of the results of the recent survey, Bahuguna said, "But we will conduct another survey to get the accurate picture so that to decide a strategy and focus on hotspots."

He also said, testing kits to check quality of milk has already been developed and the FSSAI is negotiating with investors for mass production and marketing of the kit.

The regulator is in the process of developing a testing kit for edible oil as well.

The issue of adulteration was discussed in the CCPC meeting, in which Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan asked the FSSAI to come up with testing kits which consumers can buy at Rs 15-20.


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Mother Dairy to hike milk prices of both poly pack and bulk vended milk in Delhi NCR by Rs.2 a litre
Mother Dairy to hike milk prices of both poly pack and bulk vended milk in Delhi NCR by Rs.2 a litre

Mother Dairy has said that it will hike milk prices, of both poly pack and bulk vended milk (token milk), in Delhi NCR by Rs 2 a litre with effect from March 11.

The consumer milk prices in regions of Mumbai, Chennai and Uttar Pradesh -East will also be increased from March 11, Mother Dairy said in a press statement.

The last consumer price revision in Delhi NCR for poly pack milk was taken in July 2016. Since then the consumer milk prices have been retained despite significant increase in raw milk purchase prices, said Mother Dairy.

"The consumer price of token milk was last revised in May 2014 and the company is now increasing its prices by Rs 2 a litre," it said.

The milk prices which in a normal year come down during winter months have gone up substantially, it said.

Mother Dairy said that they have increased farm prices by about Rs 2.5 – Rs 3 a kg over July and compared to last year the prices are up by Rs 5 - Rs 6 a kg.

"The company believes in giving competitive and remunerative price to the farmer to ensure sustainability of dairying and availability of safe milk for consumers," said Mother Dairy adding that they passed close to 80% of the sales realization from milk towards the procurement of milk.

New prices for token milk in Delhi will be Rs 38 a litre, full cream milk at Rs 52 a litre, toned milk at Rs 42 a litre, double toned milk at Rs 38 a litre, skimmed milk at Rs 34 a litre and cow milk at Rs 42 a litre.


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MobiKwik to extend cashless digital payments to Verka
MobiKwik to extend cashless digital payments to Verka

After a tie-up with dairy major Amul, mobile wallet player MobiKwik has now announced a partnership with diary firm Verka.

Verka is a leading diary firm in Punjab with 75 per cent share of the organised market. It is the flagship brand of the Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd popularly known as MILKFED. The company has over 525 outlets in the state.

Earlier, MobiKwik has done a tie-up with dairy major Amul and is powering over 7,000 Amul-owned outlets and 3 lakh multi-branded outlets across the country.

MobiKwik Chief Business Officer Vineet Singh said, "Driven by the ambition to enable a less cash society in Punjab, we at MobiKwik are proud to extend our cashless digital payments to the city's lead milk cooperative, Verka. Across the state, users can pay cashless using MobiKwik from today." 


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Schreiber Dynamix aims to become USD500 million company by 2021
Schreiber Dynamix aims to become USD500 million company by 2021

Dairy products manufacturer Schreiber Dynamix aims to become a USD500 million company by 2021 on the back of increasing demand for value added dairy products. Presently the company has a turnover of about Rs 1677 crores and is growing at an annual CAGR of 15 percent.

Amitabha Ray, MD, Schreiber Dynamix, said, "With changing lifestyles particularly in the urban areas people prefer to buy products off the shelf, yoghurts and milk in tetra packs for instance, which is more convenient. Value added products over the last few years have grown by 20-25% depending on the product, cheese for instance is growing phenomenally."

The per capita consumption of milk in India is 95 litres per year per person as compared to about 200 litres in US or Europe, explained Ray. "So you see the head space is huge and the potential to grow particularly in value added products is massive", he said.

Schreiber Dynamix currently has three manufacturing facilities in Baramati in Maharashtra, Fazilka in Punjab and Kuppam in Andhra Pradesh and deals with 1.6 million litres of milk on a daily basis.

It had recently set up a Rs 250 crore speciality ingredients plant for infant nutrition products in Baramati to monetise the growing demand for infant food in the country.

India is the 9th largest market for dairy products and the largest for milk in terms of volume, globally.

According to Euromonitor, India’s dairy market that includes milk and milk products like yoghurt, sour milk, cheese, coffee whiteners, condensed milk, cream etc stands at Rs 990.90 billion as of 2016 and is expected to reach Rs1,118.50 billion by 2017.

However, Ray believes Indian dairy industry needs to focus on increasing the efficiency and quality of milk production in India. "Our quality is a huge issue. Anything that is white is considered as milk. Our cows have the productivity of 10-15 litres of milk every day but they produce only 3-4 litres because they don't get quality feed," he said.

Schreiber Dynamix makes value added product including cheese, yoghurts, juices, powders for leading food and beverages players like Abbott, Britannia, Coca Cola, Danone, Domino’s, McDonald’s and Mother Dairy.


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Parag Milk Foods eyes 20-22 percent market share in five years
Parag Milk Foods eyes 20-22 percent market share in five years

Dairy-based branded foods manufacturer and marketer Parag Milk Foods has forayed into whey protein range - Avvatar Absolute - and is eyeing 20-22 per cent market share in five years, a top official said.

Devendra Shah, Chairman, Parag Milk Foods, said, "We are entering the Rs 2,500 crore (Rs 1000 crore through organised and rest through unorganised channel) market with an initial 10 per cent market share. In one year we expect to capture 20-22 per cent market share of this premium product category."

Avvatar Absolute is claimed to be the first 100 per cent vegetarian whey protein made in India. It is made during the process of manufacturing cheese using fresh grass fed cow's milk.

"However, through e-commerce we will be available across the country," Shah said.

"We have invested Rs 110 crore in the plant for cheese and whey in Manchar in Maharashtra as we foresee huge demand from the retail consumers. Protein-based foods are becoming popular among people from all walks of life. With changing lifestyle there is growing interest of the younger generation in sports and nutrition," he said.

The manufacturing unit will initially produce 1.5-2 tonne whey and expand to 4-6 tonne in 12 months, he said.

The company is also planning to export Avvatar Absolute to all neighbouring countries.

It is mainly planning business to business marketing strategy for brand building, he said.

"We will reach out to nutrition supplement stores, pharmacies, modern retail stores and e-commerce portals for creating brand awareness and distribution," company's Chief Marketing Officer Mahesh Israni said.

He said, "Educating gym trainers and owners who are the key influencers in this category is going to be our key platform."

The Avvatar Absolute whey protein comes in three flavours - Double Chocolate, Vanilla Snow Creme and Cafe Mocha - in two sizes 2 lbs and 5 lbs.

"After establishing the brand, during our phase three expansion, which is in a couple of year, we are planning for natural extension of the product category like sports drink and energy drink," he said.

Parag Milk Foods, established in 1992, has manufacturing facilities at Manchar in Maharashtra and Palamaner in Andhra Pradesh.

Under brand 'Gowardhan', the company offers traditional products like ghee, dahi, paneer among others and under 'Go', they offer products like cheese, UHT milk and yoghurt.


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?Mother Dairy senses growth opportunities beyond Delhi NCR
?Mother Dairy senses growth opportunities beyond Delhi NCR

Mother Dairy, an Indian company that manufactures, markets and sells milk, milk products and other edible products is looking beyond Delhi NCR region as it senses growth opportunity in the eastern and western areas of India.

The wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) with sales of around Rs 7,200 crore, has drawn up a strategy -called 'purab-paschim' -to expand into new geographies, starting with Maharashtra.

To begin with, Mother Dairy has bought an old plant in Nagpur and is spending Rs10-15 crore to revamp it. It is also setting up milk procurement facilities in the area that is estimated to cost around Rs 30 crore.

Nagarajan S, MD of Mother dairy, said, "We are in talks with the Maharashtra government for a new plant in Bhiwandi that may require investment of around Rs 150 crore."

Apart from these, the company is looking to set up a plant for cut fruits and vegetables in Jharkhand for Rs 80 crore. This will help Mother Dairy tap into the Rs 1,100-crore frozen fruits and vegetables business.

Plans are afoot to test waters in the juice business in some of the pockets using cold press technology. On the cards are also innovations in fruit pulps, pastes and concentrates.

Mother Dairy is also working to revamp its Safal stores that currently sell fruits and vegetables. It is spending Rs 10-15 lakh per store to bring in modern retail practices. At present, Safal which operates around 300 stores in Delhi NCR, contributes around 10 percent (Rs 750 crore) to its revenues, while milk (Rs 5,000 crore), edible oil (Rs 1,000 crore) and value-added dairy products (Rs 1,200 crore) make up rest of its portfolio. Mother Dairy is aiming to open 250-300 milk booths in these new territories, as well.


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Kwality Ltd, financial results report for the quarter
Kwality Ltd, financial results report for the quarter

RI Bureau

Kwality Limited, India's premier dairy foods company reported net sales of Rs 1441.22 crores up by 12.06 per cent for Q3FY16 as against Rs 1286.11 crores in the corresponding quarter of last year; net profit before tax during the same period stood at Rs 52.92 crores up by 19.70 per cent as against Rs 44.21 crores for the quarter ended 31st December 2014.  The EBIDTA at Rs 97.44 crore is up by 14.19 per cent as against Rs 85.33 crores in the corresponding quarter of last year.

Q3 FY16 Results (Comparisons with Q3 FY15)

• Net Sales at Rs 1441.22 crore vis-a-vis Rs 1286.11 crore

• PBT at Rs 52.92 crore vis-à-vis Rs 44.21 crore

•  EBIDTA at Rs 97.44 crore vis-a-vis Rs 85.33   crore


9M FY16 Results (Comparisons with 9M FY15)

• Net Sales at Rs 4285.09 crore vis-à-vis Rs 3909.21 crore

• PBT at Rs 151.22 crore vis-à-vis Rs 126.69 crore

• EBIDTA at Rs 284.94 crore vis-a-vis Rs 241.41  crore


For nine months ended December 31, 2015, the company reported Net Sales of Rs 4285.09 crores up by 9.62 per cent as against Rs 3909.21 crores in the corresponding nine months period of last year; net profit before tax during the same period stood at Rs 151.22 crores up by 19.36 per cent at as against Rs 126.69 crores for corresponding nine months period of last year. The EBIDTA at Rs 284.93 crore is up by 18.03 per cent as against Rs 241.41 crores in the corresponding period of last year.

Mr. Sanjay Dhingra, Managing Director, Kwality Ltd comments on the same, “We have recorded another quarter of good growth, which is in line with our expectations. We can attribute this growth to our focus towards strengthening the retail segment, which has helped us in registering these strong numbers. With the signing of Akshay Kumar as our brand ambassador and extension of our Palwal plant, we expect the momentum to continue and grow in the coming quarters.


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Jetha Bharwad becomes Amul's first vice-chairman
Jetha Bharwad becomes Amul's first vice-chairman

Senior BJP MLA and Chairman of Panchmahal Dairy, Jetha Bharwad was unanimously elected as the first vice chairman of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) that sells its dairy products under brand name 'Amul', reported PTI.

Since its start in 1973, this is for the first time that GCMMF created the post of vice-chairman by amending their by-laws recently.

Bharwad, MLA from Sehra constituency of Panchmahal district became the first vice chairman of the prestigious cooperative institution.

The election was conducted by the Prant Officer B S Patel in presence of chairman of all the 17 member unions, who represented their district milk unions in the state.

Bharwad's nomination was proposed by Rajkot Dairy's chairman Govind Ranpariya and supported by the chairman of Sarhad dairy in Kutch Valji Umbad. Chairman of the Sabarkantha District Cooperative Milk Producers Union (Sabar Dairy) Jethabhai Patel is currently the chairman of GCMMF.

GCMMF is considered as India's largest food products marketing organisation with an annual turnover of Rs 21,000 crore.

The member unions of GCMMF procure an average of 160 lac litres of milk everyday from 36 lac milk producers in 18,000 villages of the state.


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Goa Dairy not threatened by Amul
Goa Dairy not threatened by Amul

Goa Dairy's managing committee says it does not feel threatened with the entry of Amul into Goa's retail market, reported TNN.

Baburao Fatto Desai, Goa Dairy chairman said that there would be no problem if Amul milk launches its operations full-fledged in Goa.

"Goan consumers trust Goa Dairy milk and they will prefer the milk marketed by Goa Dairy. Amul is already in the Goan market but it could not affect the sale of Goa Dairy," he said.

While the Goa state cooperative milk producers' union, popularly known as Goa Dairy is a premier milk supplier in the Goan retail market with a sale of about 85,000 litres of milk per day among a daily consumption of about 1 lakh litres of milk in Goa.

The state has about 175 milk-supply societies and of them, 165 societies are members of Goa Dairy that supply dairy milk collected from milk-producing farmers daily. It is suspected that Amul may procure milk from local dairy farmers on competitive rates. Fatto Desai refutes this theory.

"Goan farmers are in contract with Goa Dairy and they cannot supply milk to any other group," he said.

A former Goa Dairy functionary feels that tough competition lies ahead for it. He opined that the state cooperative dairy has to work very hard to sustain itself if it has to compete with the national milk major.

"Goa Dairy now thinks about profitability but it will have to put more efforts for sustainability after Amul's full-fledged entry in the market," said  Madhav Sahakari, former chairman and presently a director of the dairy.


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Amul plans to expand in Punjab
Amul plans to expand in Punjab

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), owner of Amul plans to expand its presence in Punjab from 50 collection centres to 1,000, at an investment of Rs 150 crore.

As cooperatives pay at least a rupee a litre over private buyers, it is good news for milk producers in the state.

Amul has branches like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Haryana (apart from Gujarat) but Punjab is going to be crucial, due to the scale of commercial dairy farming and the highest yield per cattle,‖ said R S Sodhi, managing director of GCMMF.

The huge milk surplus here can help us grow faster than the current 20 per cent annual rate. Nestle is the largest milk processor among private entities in the state, procuring 800,000-900,000 litres a day for its units at Moga (Punjab) and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh).

GlaxoSmithKline Beecham, Wockhardt, Supreme Agro, MilkFed and Rana Food are some of the prominent private milk processors. Punjab‘s average daily production is 26.5 million litres a day and the marketable surplus is 15 million litres a day. Of the latter, private entities take about 1.32 million litres. The bulk of this is by Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers‘Federation; it procures close to 1.2 million litres a day.

Amul‘s present share is an insignificant 50,000 litres a day. Under the expansion, GCMMF is to have 1,000 collection centres, with infrastructure to procure at least a million litres a day, said Sodhi.

In the processing of milk, setting up of a cluster of procurement centres with state-of-the-art equipment is the most crucial component of investment. A processing plant can be hired through a third party. We have such an arrangement at Batala in Punjab and plan to replicate this at Khamano, near Ludhiana and at Bathinda. The operations at Khamano would commence this month and Bathinda might take some time, he added.

The organised sector in Punjab handles only five per cent of milk processing, said Inderjit Singh, director, dairy development, in the state government. The expansion of brands like Amul, backed by the cooperatives would enhance competition and help farmers both financially and on quality parameters. The cooperatives provide backward integration in the form of good feed, inputs and the latest knowledge to dairy farmers.

A purchase tax of 3.5 per cent on milk in Punjab has been a hurdle in expansion of private entities in milk processing. The farm price of milk is Rs 28-29 a litre for cow milk and Rs 34-35 for buffalo milk. 



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The govt report says 12.5% food items contain unapproved pesticides
The govt report says 12.5% food items contain unapproved pesticides

On Friday, the government said it has found residues of unapproved pesticides in vegetables, fruits, milk and other food items collected from various retail and wholesale outlets across the country.

According to a report released by the Agriculture Ministry, over 20 thousand samples had been collected and residues of pesticides were detected in 18.7 percent of the samples, while residues above Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) were found in 2.6 percent of samples and 12.5 per cent of samples revealed residues of non-approved pesticides. The MRL is being prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

“Out of the 20,618 samples analysed, residues of non-approved pesticides were detected in 12.5% of the samples,” the ministry said.

“The items collected from organic outlets were also found to be having residues of pesticides,” the report added. The report also said that most regularly detected pesticides, which exceeded FSSAI MRL, were chlorpyrifos, ethion, acetamiprid, dichlorvos and cypermethrin.

The residues of non-approved pesticides detected in 1,180 vegetable samples, were mainly acephate, bifenthrin, acetamiprid, triazofos, metalaxyl and malathion.

The samples were collected from across the country as a part of the central scheme ‘Monitoring of Pesticide Residues’ launched in 2005.


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Amul to hike milk price by Rs 2 in parts of Gujarat
Amul to hike milk price by Rs 2 in parts of Gujarat

Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which popularly markets its product under brand Amul, has announced to hike prices of packaged milk by Rs 2 per litre in parts of Gujarat, reported PTI.

"GCMMF has decided to increase the price of milk by Rs 2 per litre in Anand, Kheda and Ahmedabad along with all the districts of Saurashtra region," said R S Sodhi, MD, GCMMF.

Amul will sell its milk with increased rates with effect from June 1, Sodhi said.1st June 2015.

With the increased prices, Amul Gold will now be sold at Rs 48, where as Amul Shakti, Amul Taaza and Amul Slim and Tream will cost Rs 44, Rs 36 and Rs 34, respectively.

The price of Amul tea special has been increased from Rs 42 to Rs 44.

“The decision of revising the milk-price has been taken after 13 months, considering the increased rates of cattle- feed and fodder,” added Sodhi.

However, the price rise is only limited for GCMMF, while other milk producing federations in various districts of the state will take decision of increase the price on their own soon, the MD said.

Surendranagar, Morbi, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, Devbhoomi-Dwarka, Gir-Somnath, Jamnagar, Amreli and Botad districts are included in Saurashtra region of Gujarat.


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