Manufacturing Spray Dried Soy Milk Powder, Oat and Millet Powders, Non Dairy Plant Based Powders and Food Pre-mixes, Soy Milk Power, Oat and Millet Milk Powders Food Pre-mixes like Tofu Pre-mix, Vegan Soft Serve Pre-mix, Vegan Dessert (Ice Cream) Pre-mix, Porridge Pre-mix, Soy Curd Pre-mix, Soy Nuts ( Roasted and Flavored) etc. We have Quality Certi?cation FSSC (Ver. 5.2), Organic Certi?cation, Halal Certi?cation. We can take-up trial production for third parties. Nutraceutical formulations can also be taken up.
Products List
- Soy Milk Powder
- Oat Powders
- Millet Powders
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