Swiggy Launches Health Initiatives for Delivery Partners
Swiggy Launches Health Initiatives for Delivery Partners

Swiggy, India's leading on-demand convenience platform, has introduced two new health initiatives aimed at improving the well-being of its delivery partners. In collaboration with Dial 4242 and the Reliance-powered Visit app, Swiggy has launched Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) and Teleconsultation Services as part of its 'Delivering Safely' charter.

Mobile Medical Units
Partnering with Dial 4242, Swiggy has rolled out Mobile Medical Units to offer comprehensive healthcare services to its delivery partners. These units are stationed at key locations and provide health check-ups, including vital sign monitoring, identification of health issues, and first aid for minor injuries. Additionally, vision screenings and eye care services are available from dedicated optometrists. Health education sessions are also conducted to promote wellness and preventive care. Starting in Bangalore, these MMUs will be deployed across various city locations, benefiting around 200 delivery partners daily.

Teleconsultation Services
Swiggy has also teamed up with the Reliance-powered Visit app to offer teleconsultation services to all delivery partners and their families. This initiative provides virtual access to specialized doctors in General Medicine, Gynecology, Orthopedics, and Pediatrics. Delivery partners will also receive prescribed medicines at subsidized rates, ensuring access to necessary healthcare.

Mihir Shah, Head of Operations at Swiggy said, "Ensuring the safety and well-being of our delivery partners has always been a priority for Swiggy, leading to many initiatives like on-demand ambulance, paid period time off, telemedicine facilities, and summer recharge zones. The introduction of mobile medical units and teleconsultations is another step in this direction. Our delivery partners are always on the go, but their health should not take a backseat. These mobile medical units reach them where they are, encouraging them to prioritize their health. By providing access to essential healthcare services, we aim to promote a culture of wellness among our delivery partners."

Both initiatives will be expanded to other cities in the coming weeks. This launch builds on the successful implementation of other initiatives like the on-demand ambulance service introduced in 2022, reinforcing the company’s dedication to the health and safety of its delivery partners through the 'Delivering Safely' charter.

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