After graduating from Les-Roches in Switzerland, my wife and I managed several premium luxury hotel companies in Europe and North America before returning home to Goa, India after 15 years. . I also happen to be a Sommelier of Wines and Spirits with a diploma from the International Sommelier Guild. My wife and I travel the world for food, restaurants and wines almost thrice a year to various parts of the world. Therefore, starting a restaurant was a logical decision as it allowed us to apply everything we learnt and experienced.
What are the types of cuisines served at your restaurant?
We have contemporary versions of familiar food. Our product does not conform to any one particular style of cuisine. We use classic cooking techniques, but our flavours are diverse. We do what we like and think our guests would enjoy. We do not conform to classics or age old recipes. We encourage our kitchen team to innovate and leave their mark on the dishes we create.
Who are your target customers?
Our target audience are financially independent women in their early thirties. However, we attract a lot more than just this demographic.
What are the design elements you kept in mind while designing the restaurant?
We designed the space for maximum operational efficiency considering our specific concept. Since we are a modern/social concept, we incorporate elements of earthy, warm tones with modern steel and metal fabrications.
What is your current and target revenue for next fiscal?
This is confidential.
What is your unique marketing strategy?
We tend to keep things simple. We like to be around people whether it’s in person or online and our marketing activity involves working on the same principle of client engagement whether it’s through online or offline activity.
What is your expansion plan?
We’d like to let things grow organically depending on how and when opportunities present themselves. We are not in any particular rush at the moment. We would like to give it some time to have a stronger foundation before focussing on expansions.
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