Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Association of India (FHRAI) have asked the Union Govt. to help Uttarakhand Victims.FHRAI alsorequested that the Uttarakhand hospitality and tourism industry should be given a comprehensive relief package in the wake of the natural calamity in the state.
"FHRAI makes an urgent appeal to the Union Government and financial institutions to formulate a comprehensive relief package for the state's hospitality and tourism industry, in the form of loan waivers, tax exemptions and subsidies”, said Mr.Vijay Pandey,FHRAI Honorary Secretary.
"The economy of Uttarakhand is heavily dependent on tourism as its mainstay. This recent disaster and its continuing aftermath have dealt a severe blow to the state's hospitality and tourism industry, which comprises mostly of small and mid-sized establishments and also threatens the livelihood of lakhs of residents”added Pandey.
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