MTR, Bengaluru based Mavalli Tiffin Rooms will join the e-commerce bandwagon before Diwali. MTR will launch the site for consumers in Bengaluru, followed by rest of Karnataka and India.
It has offered huge discounts on the range of products that this subsidiary of Norwegian conglomerate Orkla produces and markets predominantly in south Indian markets.
Sanjay Sharma, chief executive officer of MTR said the move to get on to e-commerce platform is on line with serving a generation of customers born in the post-liberalization era.
"This is a generation around 35-years-old and demand and gets highest level of convenience. They want products and services that offer convenience," he said adding this is also a generation that is not much in to cooking. We are looking to reach out to this segment," added Sharma.
Having invested around Rs 50-lakh on an outsourced model to run this e-commerce platform, Sanjay said all traditional modes of payment be it cash on delivery, net banking and credit card payments will be offered to the customers.
"We are also working on payment through wallets that is the buzz word now," Sanjay said adding MTR is also developing an app that will hand hold gen next through instant cooking. "The app will have videos and tips on how to cook," he said.
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