Ouzo by Fire Opens in Indiranagar, Showcasing Western Coastal Cuisine
Ouzo by Fire Opens in Indiranagar, Showcasing Western Coastal Cuisine

Rosetta Hospitality has announced the grand opening of its newest venture, Ouzo by Fire, located in Indiranagar. This new dining destination aims to celebrate the rich culinary traditions of India's western coast, offering guests an authentic and innovative approach to coastal cuisine.

Ouzo by Fire highlights the diverse culinary heritage of the region, focusing on Saraswat-style cooking, the Portuguese influence in Goa, and the Catholic culinary traditions of Mangalore. The restaurant presents both popular dishes and lesser-known delicacies with a modern twist, catering to the tastes of contemporary diners.

The venue features a rooftop bar with alfresco seating, where skilled mixologists create a range of cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. Their signature cocktails are crafted to complement the restaurant’s coastal-inspired dishes.

"Expanding into the F&B sector with Ouzo by Fire, Indiranagar, marks an exciting chapter in the evolution of the Rosetta Group. Our foray into culinary excellence allows us to not only diversify our offerings but also showcase our commitment to delivering unparalleled experiences across various domains. Ouzo by Fire embodies our ethos of quality, innovation, and a dedication to honouring culinary traditions, and we are thrilled to embark on this new culinary adventure," said Jai Sreedhar, Joint Managing Director and CEO of Rosetta Hospitality.

Milan Gupta, Corporate Chef and Executive Vice President of Rosetta Hospitality, added, "Our goal is to provide guests with an authentic and memorable dining experience that transports them to the sun-kissed shores of the West Coast. Whether enjoying a leisurely thali meal or savouring our signature dishes, every visit to Ouzo by Fire is an opportunity to explore the vibrant flavours and rich culinary heritage of the region."

Ouzo by Fire offers a sophisticated indoor dining experience as well as a relaxed ambience on the alfresco rooftop, promising to captivate and delight patrons with its culinary offerings.

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