Betting big on the mass impact of celeb-inspired brands, Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff has launched his first active lifestyle brand, PROWL.?The brand is co-created and co-owned by Shroff and Mojostar...
Betting big on the activewear segment for for women,?Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez, along with Mojostar, has unveiled the her apparel brand Just F collection exclusively on Amazon Fashion.T...
Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has launched a female-only fitness and fashion brand Just F with Mojostar. Just F is a female-only fitness and fashion brand created with an aim to bring the ?...
In a major management reshuffle, KWAN Entertainment has announced the appointment of its founding partners Indranil Das Blah and Vijay Subramaniam as its Co-CEOs. In the new role, the veteran duo will...