The renowned designer

David Blair joined Fitch, an internationally renowned design agency under WPP, in 2005. He is heading the India team catering to Fitch's global clients including Nokia, Unilever and Nestle, apart from Reliance Retail of India. Part of Blair's mission was to explore opportunities in India, and he has since been responsible for setting up Fitch's first Indian studio in Mumbai. In his tête-à-tête with Retailer he reflects on his personal life, his likings and his love for his daughter.



Best thing ever happened to you   

David Blair (DB): The birth of my daughter, Isobel


People closest to you

DB: My family


Various facets of your professional career

DB: My professional career has always been about finding solutions and creating change, whether on behalf of clients or within the company itself.


View on Indian retail sector

DB: Shambolic and exhilarating. Basically Indian retail is a blank canvas, so the opportunities are endless, particularly as far as design is concerned.


Life’s turning point

DB:  From a professional point of view, meeting Rodney Fitch a few years back and persuading him to take me on as the director of global development. This ultimately led me coming to India to set up our first branding and design studio.


Favourite outdoor activity

DB: Playing tennis.  


Your last vacation DB: We went to visit my brother and his family in Hong Kong over the bank holiday in May.


Most recent purchase

DB: A portrait of my daughter painted by a friend of mine.


Your motto in life

DB: My old school motto, ‘manners maketh man’.


One thing that sets your pulse racing

DB: Since I’ve been in India, cricket. The national obsession is very catching!


Your favourite restaurant and your most relished dish

DB: Trishna in Mumbai and the crab.


One thing you would change about yourself

DB: I’d like to have more patience.


One line self description

DB: Someone who likes to take on challenges and have fun.

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