The US based direct selling company, Amway is all set to invest Rs 400 crore for the first phase of new manufacturing facility that will be located in Nilakottai in Tamil Nadu. According to William S Pinckney, MD & CEO, Amway India, the first phase of construction will be completed by 2014-end in order to enable a launch of this facility by early 2015, while the later implementations in the project will be completed by end of 2015. The new facility will be producing nine production lines for nutrition, cosmetics and oral care products. Four lines will be for nutrition supplements, two lines for protein supplements, two lines for cosmetics and one line for the Glister toothpaste. It is expected that this exercise will generate at least 475 jobs. In the nutrition segment, the plant will equipped to manufacture 1.2 billion tablets and softgels and 7 million canisters of drink mixes. In the cosmetics segment, the plant will come up with the production capacity of 19 million tubes, jars and bottles, and 60 million tubes of Glister toothpaste. The company has just observed a ground breaking ceremony for its new manufacturing unit. The new unit will be spread in the area of 49.4 acres of land in 2012 after signing an MoU with the State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu.
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