HSIL limited which acquired the luxury sanitary ware brand of Barwood UK two years back opened its first flagship store in New Delhi. The products are 100 per cent imported from UK where these products are manufactured. A section of the store features the designer bathroom wares from three European designers namely, Romano Adolini, Federico Tombilini and Franco Valeri.
The price range of the products starts from Rs 15,000 and goes above. The brand will target the luxury clientele in India between the age group 25-45. During the launch of the store V Krishnamurthy, Vice President, HSIL limited, told Retailer, “We are targeting the luxury segment, because India has a healthy population who are ready to spend Rs 10 Lakh on a bathroom”.
Speaking about the future plans Krishnamurthy said, “We are planning to open 100 such stores across India which will be mostly franchised”. The store size is 2000 square feet and is expected that the upcoming stores will also be of the same size and design.