Berger Paints India Ltd, launched its flagship Green brand-'Breathe Easy' in the capital today. The launch was a step towards preserving the environment as a responsible corporate citizen from Berger’s side. The paint which has no added lead, mercury and chromium with minimum aromatic content and acceptable levels of VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) , targets a very niche audience and is priced at 20-30 per cent more than the companies of other premium offerings.
The company also plans to invest around Rs 150 crore in setting up a manufacturing utility in Andhra Pradesh, which will have a annual capacity to churn out 1,50,000 tonnes of paint, said Mr. Subir Bose, Managing Director, Berger Paints India Ltd, on the sidelines of the event. Since the paint market is growing very significantly in the southern part of the country, we planned to set up a utility unit which will be functional by mid 2012, he added.
The company which has franchised retail outlets “Berger Paint Center” in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh also has distribution networks consisting of 12000 plus channel members serviced through 86 stock points & 9 production units.
Berger Paints India Ltd. headquartered in Kolkata, is amongst top 25 paint co’s in the world with global footprints across continents.
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